The Ultimate UF vs. UM Comparison

<p>I used this site back in high school. I hadn't visited it since, until I recently received a message from a prospective student. I'll provide the info I wish I knew back in high school. This is JUST my personal opinion - take it as you'd like:</p>

<p>I’m currently a junior at UM. Literally ALL of my best friends from high school go to UF, and I’ve visited them too many times, so this should be an accurate analysis.</p>

<p>Ultimately, I’m happy I chose UM over UF, and here’s why. Mainly because UM is in Miami, while UF is in Gainesville. I have been to amazing bars and clubs, as well as awesome events around Miami. Nothing in Gainesville can compare to that. The superbowl was in Miami last year, which was phenomenal. We have the ultra music festival every year, pure madness. There are also frequent art festivals, heat games, and beautiful beaches… The list goes on.</p>

<p>Go to UF if you are looking for a classic college experience/town. A lot of kids want that, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Also, their greek life is 10x better than ours. Also, sports there are WAY more important there (although I still love the Miami football games!). Finally, it’s ridiculously more economical, the rent is SO much cheaper, and there are a million cheap options to eat/shop. The town caters to a poor college student budget.</p>

<p>That being said, I don’t think Gainesville is a cute college town, which subtracts from it’s worth. I’ve visited UNC and UGA. Athens and Durham were really quaint; I could definitely appreciate their appeal… I didn’t get that at UF.</p>

<p>Ultimately, UF is public and UM is private. You WILL see that when you attend. I didn’t want to be a number. My academic advisor knows my name, while my friends at UF don’t even know who their advisor is. UM does an AWESOME job at making freshmen feel welcomed. Orientation is a crazy week. They’ll have lots of programs to integrate you, while at UF you’re basically on your own. I can’t stress this enough, the University puts SO much effort and money into your freshmen experience.</p>

<p>Greek life takes care of integration at UF. I didn’t go greek at UM, I didn’t feel the need. However lots of my friends at UM are greek, it’s very open and not as cliquey. Had I gone to UF, I definitely would have joined a sorority. They do seem pretty fun from what I can tell. However, they literally consume those girls’ lives, kind of seems like that’s all they know...</p>

<p>One aspect that a lot of people fail to mention is career opportunity at UM, which is SO important in today’s economy. Take marketing for example, an internship in Gainesville is simply not impressive, while there are so many awesome companies in Miami. You should choose Miami if you are planning to major in anything in business, communications, pre-med, environmental, or international. The opportunity in Gainesville does not compare on ANY level.</p>

<p>For example, I’m a finance major. Miami is the gateway to all US business interaction with Latin America. South Florida is also a HUGE hub for Private Wealth Management. I frequently attend finance recruitment events in Miami hosted by various firms. I drive 15 minutes to these events; there are always UF kids at them… and they drive 5 HOURS to get there.</p>

<p>We also have a great career center, which works hard at finding job opportunities/interviews for students. UF is simply too big and doesn’t have enough funding to do that. </p>

<p>In regards to being snobby, I’ll be honest. There is definitely that crowd. A lot of superficial people from the northeast attend UM. They are definitely the minority, but they stand out, so you notice them more. However, there is definitely a yappy high maintenance sorority crowd at UF (all schools have something of the sort). I do wish that UM was a bit less superficial (prob my biggest complaint), but I’ve made great genuine friends… I’m very happy with that.</p>

<p>In sum, choose UF if you want a classic college experience: college town, sports, and greek life.</p>

<p>Go to UM if you can afford it. You’ll be better off career wise. Miami is 10x more of an amazing place than Gainesville. You’ll see the results of the private tuition.</p>

<p>While I am sure prospective students will enjoy your take on these schools, UF vs UM threads (or similar topics) are generally frowned upon. YOU have explained why YOU made the right choice for YOU while insulting a school unnecessarily (though I am sure you will say that was not your intent).</p>

<p>In any case, the search function will hold a wealth of such threads (many for Florida schools alone, including UF, FSU, UM, USF, etc.).</p>

<p>I got accepted to both schools and I chose UF because I have lived in Miami all of my life and I want a change. Also, UF has a homely vibe.</p>

<p>To be blunt, the biggest turnoff for me from UF was when an academic advisor there told me that 1,500 kids were signed up for Microeconomics 101 that semester in their business school. 1,500. Miami’s freshmen class is 2,000.</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s an extremely blunt comparison, alas, it was what sent me off the diving board and into Coral Gables next fall.</p>

<p>Hence why I stated, “this is JUST my personal opinion,” in my opening paragraph…</p>

<p>Thank you for the capitilzed YOUs. This post was intended for kids out ther like ME. Those who are having trouble deciding between UF and UM. If one shares my academic preferences/tastes, then they are better off at UM.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but “frowning” upon this sort of topic is a bit absurd. This forum is meant to help students choose between colleges. How can you choose between colleges without comparing them?</p>

<p>My post was meant to be blunt - kids want honest opinions from current university students. There’s no need to get offended…</p>

<p>@Jerome… you do realize that homely means unattractive and plain?</p>

<p>@Magics… there were 25 kids in my micro class freshmen year. You get what you pay for - it’s that simple.</p>

<p>@banana321 LOL I have to agree with you. I have lived the Miami life for 18 years. I have enjoyed the party scene and now it’s time to relax at UF. I have a godsister that attends UM and she loves it but it’s 50k a year. However, UF is giving me a full scholarship.</p>

<p>This is a great thread because for the UM vs UF dilemma is a major issue for many students in Florida. Obviously, the biggest difference in both schools is the price-tag and location.</p>

<p>Thanks for your post! I’m soo confused between these 2 schools it’s crazyy! Visiting both next week. Hopefully that’ll help</p>

<p>Definitely post what you think on your visit. </p>

<p>I’m OOS, and very conflicted on the two. I really like the smaller size of Miami, but I also love the college town idea of Gainesville. My question is, how much could I do at the U without a lot of cash? I’m not dirt poor, but I’m really not in a position to be dropping a bunch of dough in the clubs. Is there a solid scene for more of your typical college partying and fun at Miami?</p>

<p>And since you know business, do you think Florida employers care which one your graduate from, or are both schools kinda on the same level prestige wise?</p>

<p>I’ve lived in Miami the majority of my life and I’ve visited UF a couple of times. Compared to the UM campus, the UF campus is much more traditional college-like. The UM campus is situated in the middle of a nice neighborhood in Miami. UM’s campus is basically on US1 (a major highway), so there are a lot of shops within close proximity of campus. UM is also very close to many bars in clubs that are in Coconut Grove. UM is also very close to a mall, and UM provides free shuttles to that mall on weekends (I think).</p>

<p>Prolific - I did not have a lot of money and a lot of my friends didn’t either. As far as going out, house parties are free, the bars in the Grove (the more college partying area that you’re looking for) are all free to get into. The bars can be pricey, but we got around that by drinking at home beforehand, and last year it became a big thing to go to Friday’s before the Grove since they had happy hour with $2 drinks. It can be hard when you see people throwing down a hundred dollars at the bar without thinking twice, but there are a TON of kids at UM on scholarship and who are working their way through college. I mean things are going to be more expensive in Miami than in Gainesville, but that’s the cost of living in a city. There are definitely a ton of things to do that don’t require a lot of money though.</p>

<p>ok, banana:</p>

<p>is it easy to find your niche at UM? Is the traditional “college life” there? Do you ever feel that the school is too small?</p>

<p>cc77mj: I think it was very easy to find my niche here. I don’t know what you mean by “traditional” college life. What is traditional? Given that I have never attended a university besides UM (for a normal semester), I really don’t know what you’re asking.</p>

<p>And I definitely don’t feel the school is too small. We have 9,500 students. I came from a town with a population of 9,000… my high school had 90 people.</p>

<p>Honestly, though, I think UM is the perfect size. While it may have been overwhelming for me at first, there is a huge diversity of people interested in all sorts of different things. I always say it, but it’s true: there are enough people that you can get lost if you want, but there are little enough people that anywhere you go you can see someone you know.</p>

<p>I think it’s funny that you asked if UM is too small. Most people ask if it’s too big. I just couldn’t imagine going to a school like UCF, UF or Ohio State, where they have more than 40,000 people. How can you get involved, or learn, or get any individualized attention, when there are so many people?</p>

<p>What size school are you interested in? I recommend you come to UM and get a feel for the size of the school for yourself, if you haven’t already.</p>

<p>Maybe biased but:</p>

<p>Miami has smaller classes
Diverse nightlife–bars in the Grove, clubs on SoBe, frat parties
Greek life is there if you want it, not necessary
More diverse student body
Internships in a major city</p>

<p>Only reason UF might look more attractive is the cost.</p>

<p>i just wanted to say, i thought banana did a VERY good job at explaining the differences. although gallatinguy complains that she bashed UF i thought she did a good job at explaining their differences while admitting that if that’s what you’re looking for than there is nothing wrong with that. She also very bluntly stated at the beginning she is a junior at UM. She stated her bias and lets be honest, there is no such thing as an unbiased report, it’s the fact that she addressed it and was aware of it that i thought her comments were very useful.</p>

<p>@Piano, I agree. I thought the post was fairly objective considering how subjective and one-sided the opinions on here usually are.</p>

<p>I’ve found this thread to be very informative so far. The mindset that it’s frowned upon to compare the colleges, even in an objective manner such as this one, is very unprogressive and limiting… how would prospective students ever read first-hand testimonials if it wasn’t “okay” to discuss it here?</p>