<p>I hate group projects usually, unless I’m the one leading them. If not, I really hope the person leading is very, very responsible.</p>
<p>Exhibit A: In my Spanish class, we always make a video final that showcases what we learned at the end of each semester. It is weighted even more than the written final exam itself! </p>
<p>My friend loves movies. He wants to become a director one day. And we got started on the project early, knowing that he was going to the Phillipines for the duration of the Winter Break and that we’d really have to cram when he got back. He wants his videos to be PERFECT, I mean, they must be like full motion pictures, complete with subtitles, an orchestrated score, and they often shoot past the hour mark (everyone elses is about 20-25 minutes). </p>
<p>So his plan is, since he’s in many of the scenes, to shoot many of his scenes and write the script while he is out there. I feel a bit wary, but no problem, he always comes through. But when he gets back and we start to cram filming, this is where things fall apart. Between ECs, school, and church for him, he falls behind on editing, and come the deadline time (a week before finals), he’s not done editing. And we aren’t done filming. We film one more scene, and he says it’ll be done by Monday. Monday comes around, and we beg our teacher if we can turn it in Thursday (we have block scheduling at our school). So she says, okay, Thursday it is. And also, he needs to film another scene with me he forgot to do. So today’s Thursday, and he calls me this morning saying “Hey man, I couldn’t finish it. Think she’ll let us show it on Monday? (new semester by the way)”</p>
<p>So to make a long story short, he’s not done, the teacher is pretty much sick of the extensions, and we have to show her something tomorrow that she MAY be able to watch or we don’t get a grade for it at all. </p>
<p>I know it’s a lot of pressure on him, but, you know, why not ask for help? Or skip out on all the extra frilly things and just have something out that we can get graded on? We’ve asked him if he needed help getting anything done but he’s like “Nah I can do it.” Even today, he said he can get it out for tomorrow, and that he just has 20 more minutes to edit :(.</p>
<p>So basically, there’s a 50/50 chance of whether everyone in our group gets a B or C instead of the usual A for this semester. Which really sucks. </p>
<p>Moral of the story: When working in groups, spread the work out between members. Never rely on one person to get it all done, even if they reallywant you to let them.</p>