The University of Tampa Early Action/Rolling for Fall 2023 Admission

Thank you! She really wanted Michigan State and I was pushing for Tampa so it all worked out. Good luck to you!

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Yes EA, I couldn’t believe it took a week! Fastest response I’ve ever had with any child.

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Congratulations! It is great when then hear quickly! Hoping mine hears soon as it has moved up on his list and it seems like a good fit.

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My son submitted application on 9/5. Acceptance letter was dated 10/17 and merit $ were included in that letter.

Well I finally got the Spartan portal invite. Seems there may be a glitch in S23’s application. Hoping to hear soon.

My daughter’s application and all docs have been in since 10/4. She is a nursing applicant though and expect that to be ultra competitive. Is anyone else on here (accepted or rejected) with a prospective nursing major?

congrats! My twins applied in August. Still waiting but their school sent transcripts on 10/6… anxiously waiting. :slight_smile:

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Daughter applied and all docs in by 10/17…any ideas when we should expect to hear back for early action? Thanks.

My daughter and a friend just received an email that a decision was made and they checked their portal and both were accepted. Good luck to you all!

DS nursing major as well, still waiting to hear

Daughter received acceptance today

Allied Health major (PT)


Nursing and bio majors

Are all decisions coming out now/today for Early Action? Or do you think it is by major? I have a nursing major waiting to hear back, but 3 people she knew received acceptances today already.

do you know when the other three applied?

My daughter is a nursing major at Tampa (she was just accepted yesterday to the BSN program). Freshman apply as pre-nursing, which is capped. Once that number is reached, kids will be waitlisted or rejected. For my D’s year (2021 HS grad) it was capped in mid-December. I’m sure you all know this, but nursing is not direct admit and kids will have to apply to the BSN program in fall of sophomore year. For this year, 124 applied for 88 spots. There were initially 300 in pre-nursing for fall 2021. More than half left the major and/or the school.


Also to reply to @laxmom24, yes I understand it is not direct admit. So, pre- nursing.
Mine applied 10/6, and we know one of the others was 10/21

I would say she should hear no later than early-mid December. Best of luck to her!

My nursing applicant applied 10/4 and still no word here either. Hoping to be in the next wave. She has 4 acceptances already but would be disappointed not to have UT as an option. Wondering what stats are of those accepted already and those still waiting.

3.66 unweighted
31 ACT (1 test)
6 APs
Lots of volunteering, Best Buddies, 3 sport athlete, captain as junior in 2 sports, employment experience, and chronic medical condition of her own that has drawn her to nursing


Laxmom24–Thanks for the nursing statistics. my daughter was accepted tonight for pre nursing. Do you happen to know where the clinicals are located? Are they all close to campus? Thx!! Lawyermom15-My d had a 4.0 unweighted gpa and applied test optional. Lots of volunteering and is a CNA.

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For those admitted- the letter and merit is posted.

8K here

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