<p>Dartmouth- i applied there</p>
<p>Penn or Penn State?</p>
<p>Dartmouth- i applied there</p>
<p>Penn or Penn State?</p>
<p>penn - that's pretty obvious </p>
<p>usc or notre dame?</p>
<p>USC... I hate Notre Dame.</p>
<p>Tufts or Bowdoin? (Random, I know...)</p>
<p>Bowdoin, I think. </p>
<p>NYU or Columbia?</p>
<p>Difficult one, but I'll take Columbia.</p>
<p>Sarah Lawrence or Vassar?</p>
<p>Hmmmm tough one.......Sarah Lawrence</p>
<p>University of Pheonix or ITT Technical Institute.</p>
<p>University of Pheonix, because they sent me a lot of letters.</p>
<p>Cornell or Duke?</p>
<p>Cornell, much cooler campus </p>
<p>Univ. of Illinois or UT Austin</p>
<p>UIUC because it's 'cooler' ;)</p>
<p>Penn for undergrad or grad?</p>
<p>grad-i like their linguistics program</p>
<p>Devry or IITTech?</p>
<p>IIT, devry sends too many emails.</p>
<p>ucla or michigan?</p>
<p>UCLA...no idea...but cali is awesome</p>
<p>University of Oregon or University of Portland?</p>
<p>no idea man..i'll pick portland cuz that's the town where the ballers ball.</p>
<p>uva or berkeley?</p>
<p>Berkeley.. descent sports and one of the best, academically.</p>
<p>UT or UF</p>
<p>UF. Gotta love the weather.</p>
<p>Harvard or Stanford?</p>
<p>harvard, east coast.</p>
<p>Tufts, or u chicago?</p>
<p>U Chicago!
Tufts=No school spirit.</p>
<p>UVa or UCLA?</p>
<p>UCLA- Its in Cali</p>
<p>UT Austin or NYU?</p>
<p>NYU. I'm at NYU.</p>
<p>Harvard or Stanford?</p>
<p>Stanford because of the weather.</p>
<p>Pacific Tech or South Harman Institute of Technology?</p>