<p>Way too many broken links, anyways, is it still possible to get an off-campus interview from them? </p>
<p>And, is it possible for me to send in an official sealed transcript instead of a counselor, because I thought that was what we were supposed to do but I was wrong... I already requested the transcript and the counselor gave it to me.</p>
<p>I didn’t have any trouble finding interview information on the USC site: [USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Admission Counselor](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/adm_interview.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/adm_interview.html)
Unfortunately, the interviews are held September to early December, so they are over for this year (and they fill up far in advance, anyway) but you are not disadvantaged if you don’t have one.</p>
<p>As long as the transcript is an official, sealed transcript, it is fine. Write your name and USC ID or SSN on it and (sealed inside another envelope so people don’t see your SSN) mail it in.</p>