The Value and Prestige of Living Learning Programs

Thank you. That’s a great idea… comparing the Gen Ed requirements.

Another question… when you fill out the form for Honors College LLP preference, does that commit you to an Honors College LLP? My daughter may want to pursue the FLEXUS program.

Also, does anyone know if students can opt for substance-free housing and still take part in an LLP?

I don’t know

If you opt for substance-free housing, your student will miss out on the close-knit nature of the LLP that she is joining. I’m hoping that most housing is intrinsically substance-free, but I’m probably being naive! I would think that an engineering LLP or an Honors LLP would have a lot of hard-working people who don’t have time for abusing substances.

It might be better for your daughter to choose the LLP that she is interested and then to find a roommate who shares a similar commitment to substance-free living. By the way, Flexus is a great program, but if your daughter does that, I think that she has to decline her spot in the Honors College. (Check on this.)

Thank you so much for the great information.

My D was accepted to Scholars and they have an application on the website for those who are interested but weren’t originally chosen. My D has emailed the Scholar community and they’ve always responded very quickly to her questions. It might be helpful to find out the chances of applying for Scholars after not being originally selected. We always used those sort of benchmarks to help my D figure out if different things were worth applying to. Good luck. There are lots of LLCs at UMD. Hopefully they can point you in the right direction.

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anyone have experience in Virtus, pluses and minuses? thanks.

Does anybody know if they will release the decision on the honors program today ?

I hope they release that and Scholars today. If they do please post so that my D doesn’t look every 5 minutes.

We saw the decision for Honors posted in Portal >Checklist.

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Can anyone comment on the FIRE program ? I don’t see much posted on this program which is not a LLP. Can he do FIRE and also apply for honors or scholars or does he have to chose one or the other. He is a CS major. Thank you for all the wonderful advice.

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@maryversity @SoofDad @mdmamma1707 and other seniors

Does anyone know about the Hinman CEO LLC and how does it compare with Carillon Community?
Can one ask for a switch in LLCs? My kiddo was invited for Carillon but says he likes Hinman CEO better.

I don’t really know about either one and I think @maryversity has retired from this forum. Hopefully someone can provide an answer.

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Thank you for your prompt response.

Hinman CEOS appears to be new for current students. Very competitive.
Carillon is for incoming freshmanstudents.
Perhaps could try Carillon for a year then apply for Hinman.
Fall Admitted Students | Carillon Communities

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Thank you.
I will check out the links.
Appreciate it.

So sorry for the very delayed response, but as SoofDad mentioned, I have pretty much retired from this forum.

My son (class of 2016) did the Hinman CEO program and thoroughly enjoyed it. It isn’t new but is not open to incoming freshman. It’s an upperclass, 2-year LLP that is primarily geared for the junior and senior year, but you absolutely can apply as a freshman for sophomore year. That’s actually what my son did, so it definitely can be done.

It is a highly competitive program that you have to apply for, and then interview for. There is a minimum gpa required. It’s a great program that teaches you how to start a business. Famous alum of this program are Kevin Plank of Under Armour and Anthony Casalena of Squarespace.

The program is housed in South Campus Commons, which is really nice housing, so that’s a nice perk. It’s been a bit, but if I recall correctly, the application goes live sometime in the fall, so just keep checking the site.

Again, don’t hold me to my memory at this point, but I seem to recall my son doing an essay about a business he would propose to start as part of the application process. And I also vaguely recall him needing a teacher recommendation but honestly not sure if that was for Hinman CEO or for QUEST since he applied to both around the same time.

Either way, the advantage of doing a LLP, even if not your first choice, is that you get to know a professor (the lead of the LLP)…so that makes getting recommendations that much easier.

You do not need to be a business major to be considered for Hinman …they take all majors…you just need an entrepreneurial spirit!

Did you have any specific questions about the program?


One more comment…if you are really interested in the program, sign up for ENES210 in the Fall. It’s taught by James Green, who is the Himan CEO director. The course is called “Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis and Decision-Making in 21st Century Technology Ventures.” It counts as a GenEd: [DSSP], [SCIS].

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