<p>ED application is pending and the wait is brutal. Does anyone know what the Hamilton practice is? Do they e-mail? Do they stick to 12/15 on the nose? What can we expect?</p>
<p>Did you get a letter today acknowledging early admissions app? They gave us a Username and password to check if app is complete. The letter also said they will mail you the decision on or before Dec. 15th. Good luck.</p>
<p>Last year we EDII applicants received a MyHamilton account that allowed us to check our decision. It was supposed to be announced on 2/15 but it ended up coming out sometime like 2/11 or 2/12 (we received an email notifying us that the date would be earlier).</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>ED1 emails went up a few days late, because they wanted us to receive it in the mail first, since that is more fun… too bad i was on vacation, and dying of anticipation.</p>