The Wait List

@sub2pewdiepie I like your username :slight_smile:

Again, adding up to 100 for 9th grade, and for larger schools. And since fewer students are admitted to later years, I would imagine that the number for higher grades is proportionately smaller.

Iā€™ve actually gotten replies from schools Iā€™ve sent appeals/letters of continued interest to. Most of them are along the lines of ā€œThis has been added to your record. Thank you for your continued interest.ā€

You either need FA or you donā€™t. If you donā€™t, you should have used that boost when submitting the application initially. Then, at least, you would be sure you werenā€™t WLā€™d for FA. If you really donā€™t need FA (and that means no FA the entire time your child attends), then you should let the school know. There are only so many dollars to go around, and the schoolā€™s FA budget this year has already been spent on those admitted, so you are now waiting not only for someone to decline whose profile matches your child but also for that profile to be returning FA dollars to the pool, a tough combo. Call the school.

As a long time lurker, who lurked until it was my sonā€™s turn to apply to boarding schools, I have to thank people like ChoatieMoM, Skieurope,and others for giving such great advice that has been reiterated time and time again for the past cycles. Itā€™s because of them Iā€™ve been able to get my son off the ā€œmaybe there is hope getting off the wait listā€ line of thinking. Thank you for being so patient and helpful.

@younglord It never hurts to ask a question.

To all hoping to get moved from the waitlist, keep hoping. Of course it is always important to have another plan in place, but why should you give up hope. After all, the waitlist was created for just that reason, to fill open slots.

Forget the statistics and the negative comments. Prepare for what might not come, but always always HOPE for the best!

My son was on the WL for several schools and accepted to 2. Took him to Revisit at Andover this past week. He made his decision: Andover. Good luck as I take him off the WL for any other schools and decline Co Rocky. Wishing you success. He was only WLā€™d last year. Completely understand your questions.

If you were admitted somewhere, just not your favorite school, consider that the AOs know best what kind of kid will thrive and shine at their school.You might actually be a better match for the school that made YOU their first choiceā€¦ Something to considerā€¦

@ChoatieMom, I want to apologize if you thought my message was snarky.

I was hurt because I felt you were judging me. We do need financial aid, but have decided our sonā€™s education is important enough for us to take out a second mortgage.

I didnā€™t see your response, so no harm done. :slight_smile:

Also, I have posted many times here that we applied for FA and did not receive it. The ensuing years were draconian for us, so I was hardly judging you.

@momensa We also were wait listed for FA and were able to move to an acceptance when we changed to full pay. Let the school know asap. I advised another family in this same situation last year as well and it worked out for them too.

@CaliMex Great point.

Have heard nothing about Groton, but friends daughter already got call from PA and is attending revisit day. The whole thing is a complete mystery. Like I tell my child, who knowā€™s, maybe they just need a trombone player or a fencer. Keep the faith.

@momensa Really? Was she in ninth grade? I thought no one has come off the waitlist for a few years!

Last year I know two students as a 9th to get off the waitlist in PA. It is possible.

Do you mind sharing if they were boarding or day? Thank you!

For some idea about the waitlist:

I heard some wait lists get off on August. If some students drop the school, the school would like to match most similar students. If you are accepted any school, you should register that school first.

No, 8th grade. Going into 9.