The Wait List

@pendulum Yes informing the school you no longer require FA will increase your chances and could even result in your being accepted. If this is a true possibility for your family, I would let the school know asap

@appleeee yes there have been cases where late applicants have jumped waitlisted applicants. The cases I know of occurred at schools with rolling admissions. Sometimes a school needs a particular slot filled for a team or a band etc and they don’t have anyone on the waitlist that fills it. I think it’s rare but it can happen

@dogsmama1997 At many boarding schools and private high schools they discourage seniors from talking about their college acceptances until everyone knows where they are going. Some of the private day schools around here have similar policies. It is about kindness and consideration toward your friends and classmates. Schools are communities, after all, not for-profit businesses or shark tanks.

Just FYI
I went to spring revisit day for Andover that at least FIVE of 9th-grade applicants committed to Andover.
No.1 girl - she (asian) declined Hotchkiss
No.2 girl - she (asian) declined Choate & Groton & Hotchkiss
No.3 girl - she (asian) was a jr. boarding. Same language so we spoke her mom for a while. She declined Exter & Choate.
No.4.boy - was a white boy mat at the event. He bragged where he has made and declined Choate & Deerfield
No.5 boy - also a white boy mat at the event. He was a nice boy. Declined Chote and some school but I never heard the name before.
I hope my message make you guys feel a little better.

@CaliMex absolutely. As I said though, there is a line that is crossed between kindness and an overreaching sense that no one should be sad ever. In the post I responded to it was written that the child was not being braggadocios or obnoxious, simply wearing a sweatshirt. I think I was clear that I believe in being sensitive to others but it can be over done.

To draw a parallel to CC it’s the same thing as waiting a week after March 10 to post “this school or that school” threads. We don’t abstain from posting those threads all together.

Since at my school, only a couple of us applied out, there wasn’t really any rule so to say. Those of us who were getting decisions talked with each other and agreed to be sensitive that next week. We also asked our classmates to not bombard us on that Monday, in case anyone was healing. People wear merch sweatshirts, even if they didn’t apply.

That’s right. Someone wear Havard Shirts not related anything “just I like Harvard”.
It’s too senesitive to mention it.
Actually now it is really not a good timing to wear logo shirts. Right now it looks like to be successful to get in dream school. But no one knows in the future. It is important to have humility to others specially in close communities. Life change consistently and rumor spread until we live.

DS who had a nice M9 did not post anything to InstaFace and said he did not plan to use the swag from the various schools. The quote was, “why would I flex, there are so many kids who did not get in.” I understood that to mean that he thought posting his success and bringing the swag to school would be bragging. We have taught him to be stealthy so while I am proud of him and his approach, I do want him to be able to proudly wear the “merch” of his selected school (once he figures that out).

@TheSwami You’ve raised a thoughtful kid. Well done!

while i sympathize with any student who didnt achieve their scholastic dream yet, I do not believe its the end of the world for them. It is your job as a parent to guide the emotions of your child and remind them that another students success does in no way diminish theirs. Let the kids wear their swag please.

I was waitlisted at Middlesex and Concord Academy, does anyone have any news/info about those waitlists?

I don’t really have any hopes for this as my current public high school is pretty good but I’m just wondering

It also is NOT a hardship to wait a couple of weeks to give them time to process not having been admitted

Apparently late applicants are a thing. My daughter was talking to me about them at her school and she’s hoping an athlete friend will “apply.” I said it’s too late. She said it happens all the time.

Just so everyone is clear on concept, Andover (and every other school) plans that students will decline.That is called yield. So one person (or 5 people) declining does not mean the school is running to the waitlist.

I am a bit confused- above there was a statement that brooks and Middlesex were taking late applications. Does this suggest they are not happy c the waitlist applicants?

Wondering if anyone has come off the Middlesex waitlist yet?

Also, our school said to wear your named items elsewhere. That is the appropriate action I think. All the kids apply to the same group of schools and it is truly not necessary to wear these items in school.

They also said to announce your final decision not all the acceptances as it is really unnecessary to share every detail.

My kid went to a very elite New England boarding school. He only wore three college related items. An NC State sweatshirt, a community college t-shirt & another t-shirt that just had the word “COLLEGE” on it. Made him a lot of friends.


I would not suggest spending too much time thinking about which schools accept late applications. There may be some schools other than those offering rolling admissions which will accept late applications, but ** in general** they are accepting applications to be placed on the WL (if not rejected outright) in the hope/expectation that the applicant will reapply for the following year.

Now if the mythical Crown Prince of Wakanda is suddenly appointed Counsul General to the Boston consulate, you should assume that one or more schools will be happy to accept a late application and that one or more will offer an acceptance. For the kid of Joe Sixpack, however, the chances of getting off a WL with a late application approaches zero.

@skieurope Thanks for the clarification.

@skieurope #SUCHSHADE