The Wait List

wearing the swag…its been a long hard journey. Toughen up your kids because life is rough.
Their celebration has nothing to do with you

I know how everyone wants to celebrate and I applaud schools that ask students to wait a bit to “advertise” their futures. There are those who also made the same long hard journey and don’t have the “prize” you are celebrating. It’s just about being sensitive. You’ll have the rest of your life to wear your BS swag!

Your classmates will realize too that their lives are going to turn out just fine. Give them a little time, though. Then you can all celebrate the beginning of high school.

It is never too late or too soon to teach kids about empathy and self awareness. It is important for teens to learn that their actions can have unintended consequences and hurt others’ feelings. It is NOT a huge sacrifice to wait a few weeks if you care about your friends.

ive Asked many of the bs ao’s why I was waitlisted instead of accepted and they have declined to give me any information whatsoever. So I decided to come to cc for some help. So I’m a straight a student with a 99th percentile 2387 ssat. My Teachers all told me that they wrote pretty glowing recommendations. I’m a high level ice hockey player as well as grade 6 in trombone. I’ve also had lots of community involvement and some lots of charity work. Many of my interviews went really well with the andover admission officer even telling my parents that I “ am the type of student that we want at our school” so I had pretty high hopes they were all dashed ofc as I wasn’t accepted into a single school. So I was waitlisted at Andover, deerfield, St. Paul’s, and lawrenceville. And rejected from Exeter(I fell asleep in the interview due to jet lag lmao) and choate. So I was wondering if anyone on cc can give me any insights into why I’ve been stuck here in this predicament. Thanks yall

Yes. It’s called supply and demand. At the end of the day, there are a limited number of places and many qualified applicants. Additionally, you are an international student. It will always be harder for an intl applicant to be accepted.

ive Asked many of the bs ao’s why I was waitlisted instead of accepted and they have declined to give me any information whatsoever. So I decided to come to cc for some help. So I’m a straight a student with a 99th percentile 2387 ssat. My Teachers all told me that they wrote pretty glowing recommendations. I’m a high level ice hockey player as well as grade 6 in trombone. I’ve also had lots of community involvement and some lots of charity work. Many of my interviews went really well with the andover admission officer even telling my parents that I “ am the type of student that we want at our school” so I had pretty high hopes they were all dashed ofc as I wasn’t accepted into a single school. So I was waitlisted at Andover, deerfield, St. Paul’s, and lawrenceville. And rejected from Exeter(I fell asleep in the interview due to jet lag lmao) and choate. So I was wondering if anyone on

Don’t conflate shade with keeping it real @harlemgirl121

Admission officers are normal person. They can make some mistakes. So some 9th or 10th grade students in top boarding drop off the school during the semester or after one year. AO made a few mistakes to select their students every year. Our kids middle school teachers told their students that the top BS always selets unexpected students every year. But best top math student is always selected because BS need the student to light up their school. BS have their favorite choice. Especially financial need base schools will check their parents money also. Our situation is similar with sauceking27. In Official 2019 Freakout thread we can check some students under ssat 95 or 90 to get in top boarding. Although there is a legacy, ssat 99%, music and sports and involving community, some students are on waitlist. AO’s favorite students and needs are selected not perfected one.

As an arrogant AO once told me: There are no admissions mistakes, only acceptance mistakes.

@Saucerking27 : Based on the limited information shared in your posts, it is difficult to understand why you were waitlisted or rejected at all of your targeted schools. Because we do not have access to your entire admissions file, it is likely that we & you will never know why with any degree of certainty.

If you reapply, consider having someone proofread your application essays.

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Our son was WL to 5 schools last year even after his file was reviewed and triple checked. It was a shock to all that he didn’t get in. Reapplied this year with an accept to PA. Not a lot of difference between last year’s and this year. He went through another year at his home school, sleeping in Cal class, (a 12th grade class). He needed BS because of the lack of a challenge. Good luck.

So, I’m guessing, DH wear a PA shirt to Revisit Day was too soon for some. Proud dad that always told our kids, “It’s not bragging if you did it!” I’m with him on that and most other things for the last 33 years. Our son didn’t get in last year. His response was, “So when do we start for next year?” And he also said, “Just have to try harder!!!”

When we went to the campus store on revisit day, my daughter wanted to buy a sweatshirt. I told her she could, but also reminded her that there are at least a handful of kids in her classes who applied to the same school and did not get in. (We’re locals to a HADES school.) We know it stings, as it would have stung for us had the situation been reversed – which, given the nature of BS admissions – it could easily have been. With that gentle reminder, she opted out of the purchase at this time. We are so proud of her, and she is proud, too. Not wearing the sweatshirt at this time in this situation doesn’t diminish the accomplishment, and having empathy highlights it, as far as I’m concerned. Would I be fine with her wearing it around Disney World or hanging it up in her room? Absolutely. But in school right now? No.

@Saucerking27, I’m curious if you got any feedback from the hockey coaches? Had you been in talks with them during the application process, sent tape, etc.? It’s not sports, but a similar – if smaller – process: My daughter applied to two schools with as-similar-as-possible profiles and sent her performing arts portfolio to both. She was quickly contacted by an enthusiastic faculty member at one of the schools, and we could tell by the website analytics that AOs at the same school had extensively interacted with her website. She wasn’t contacted at all by the other school, and they barely looked at her website (one visit; less than 10 seconds). We were not hugely surprised on M10 when she got into the former and was rejected by the latter. Aside from issues like maybe you’re a goalie and none of the schools you applied to at this time need one (or a variation on that theme), I’m not sure your hockey talent counts for much if you don’t make the radar of the coaches, unfortunately.

Has anybody heard from waitlists in general, while I know we will most likely not receive waitlist decisions until after April 10th, I was a little confused about Taft’s waitlist letter. It said that: “You should not expect to hear from us prior to the first week in April. We will, however, make final decisions about waitlisted candidates by April 10th at the latest.” How can they make decisions, if they don’t know their yield until April 10th? Does this mean they will create an actual rank in case they go to the waitlist? Again, I’m not very optimistic about waitlists, but I just found this statement a little weird.

The deadline of admissions register is on 4/10. AO will find similar one in waitlist not to register the admission. Maybe they will find Similar EC or better fit one in the school. I wonder about financial WL. Do BS tell parents about financial WL? Or should I call the BS to get the information?

If I am waiting on a waitlist, is it ok if submit my deposit to another school on 4/10 OR do I need to submit it before 4/10? The use of the phrase “by 4/10”. I assume includes 4/10 as an ok date - so important I just want to be certain

@ProudDramaMama Yeah You’re right that may be where I went wrong, I had tried to contact the coaches but my emails were all ignored FROM EVERY SCHOOL. I tried to throw together some clips of me playing but I could only record games from one tournament which was u16 and I was 13 at the time so it didn’t make me look that good and I played lackluster anyway, but that was probably why they never considered that part of the application. I also didn’t really heavily emphasize the music part of my application either which is a bummer. Maybe they didn’t take me seriously as I was playing hockey in Asia? Who knows, but it’s just so incredibly frustrating knowing that if I had just taken several extra steps I could’ve gotten in. And I also know somebody was an SSAT score of 70, SEVENTY get into PA, simply due to golf, yes golf. Which is just frustrating because I outperform him in every subject at school as well as the fact that he’s not a very nice person. Learning that he got in and I didn’t is just frustrating and I’ve been asking everywhere to try and determine what had influenced the AO’s decisions at all these schools to waitlist instead of accept. But thanks for telling me about that, I probably should’ve worked harder to gain the coaches attention. I’ll keep going and try not to give in to the depression before I get rejected again next year :slight_smile: :wink:

It is. But to be clear, you need to deposit somewhere, because even if you get off the WL, it is 99.99999% certain that it will not happen on 4/10; schools have no deadline, other than potentially the start of school, to clear their WL. and they will take their time to be sure of who they want to take, if anyone.

Reality, not to feed the Hope, some BS asked if we were willing to keep our son on the WL through the summer. We/he said yes but didn’t get in. Reapplied for this year and he’s going to PA. WL to several other schools but already told them his decision.

@skieurope exactly! my assumption was that the absolute earliest one would be accepted off the waitlist would be within the week after April 10th, however, taft says they will “make final decisions on waitlist candidates BY April 10th at the latest”. How can they make these decisions if they really won’t know how many students have enrolled until they have reached April 10th. Can they really make waitlist decisions in less than 1 day or are they in committee starting around now to review WL applicants? Taft is the only school I’ve heard of saying they would make waitlist decisions by April 10th with all the other schools I was WL saying that they would not know until earliest April 13 or longer.