The Wait List

I wonder if there is someone to receive an email about waitlist update from PA(Andover) and PEA. I heard there is someone to receive an email about WL on 04/09 from PA. The content of email is that they had full enrollments.

Did anybody hear any waitlist movement on Choate yet?

Also, they said they were at ā€œenrollement capacityā€ and they donā€™t anticipate ā€œmuch movementā€ in waitlist. Is this any better than them telling us theyā€™re overenrolled or that they donā€™t anticipate ANY movement? Is there more chance?

2% chance is more than 1%, but for all intents and purposes, both should be interpreted as no chance.

PSA: Someone getting off a WL has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on anyone else still waiting. Soā€¦ Iā€™m not sure why people are asking for that information or what can be read into it when it happens ā€¦

FWIW- Even though itā€™s very rare and random : WL movement at any school can still happen after a school officially closes their WL - so I would suggest that you opt to stay on the WL if they ask you what your preference is.

I understand this is a really emotional time for anyone on a WL, so 'll say this just one more time :

Before and after A10, youā€™ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. Youā€™ll also see discouraging posts saying that your school has closed their WL. Please DISREGARD these posts unless youā€™ve received the SAME letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO. You may not be receiving the same information for a good reason.

Right now you have a choice: Continue to wait knowing that most schools will leave you languishing in the desert forever OR call the DOA next week .

@Publisher I believe they have met or exceeded their expected yield because they said they would not take ā€œanyoneā€ off the waitlist. Iā€™m surprised they said anyone because my assumption is that that must be for all if not most grades. I agree that people have begun to move past the previous events/scandals at the school a couple years back. However, keep in mind, they also had less applications than the previous year as the official decision letter said they had over 1340 applicants while I believe the year before was in the 1400s. Not a huge difference, but IMO, still worth noting.

@friendtrooper What grade is your daughter applying to?

@flamestorm I emailed them, and they said ā€˜a few students have come off the waitlist.ā€™ There is hope! :slight_smile:

@M0hammad Did you apply as a day or boarding in PA? Did you send email today?

@momboarding77 9th grade, male, boarding. I sent the email April 8th, and got a response the very next day. I would imagine a lot more spots have opened up since then, because a lot of kids made their decision April 9th or 10th. So, there should be some more waitlist movement. Also, the Andover admissions office hasnā€™t sent anything out saying they wonā€™t be going to their waitlist, and thatā€™s something at least. If you want more details about the email, donā€™t hesitate to ask!

Hope does nor equate to wishful thinking. ā€“ Agree or Disagree?

Competitive Boarding School application process does not equate to fair admission process. ā€“ Agree or Disagree?

Boarding School gate is a toll booth and not a terminal destination. ā€“ Agree or Disagree?

She is applying for tenth grade. How about your son or daughter?

We got the same reply from Milton too.

And, has anyone received any information about movement of the BB&N waitlist? Thanks.

@M0hammad Thank you letting me know!
Actually today I called PA and AO didnā€™t ask who you are. AO told me wait list should wait till summer. Actually it looks like they donā€™t know who getting off waitlist. AO reply looks like ā€œjust wait pleaseā€.
I heard one student received an email about full enrollment from PA on A9. But it is not sure.

@friendtrooper Actually Iā€™m the one who applied?. Grade 10, female as well. My sister and I are both waitlisted at Blair for grade 10.

@friendtrooper Did Blair also tell you that they will inform your their waitlist decision no longer than May 31?

@Heading2HS Iā€™m not sure what you mean by fair (although I always tell my kid that life isnā€™t fair and donā€™t ever expect it to be). Remember no one knows what the other applications were like, I only know my own kids app and the apps of some close friends which I read through at their parents request. From what Iā€™ve seen in our area all the decisions made sense.

If, by fair you mean that the boarding schools considered top ten in the country have a ridiculous number of amazing kids to pick from I guess I agree. Talented kids who would have done well at those schools are going to be turned away, simply because of numbers. But there are many boarding schools that have less name recognition that will provide an amazing education. I went to a totally NO name school and received a highschool education that I would stack up against any prestigious school in the country. My teachers were brilliant and remain some of the biggest influences in my life.

When I first started to read this message board the thing that jumped out at me most was the advice to cast a wide net, even wider if financial aid is needed. If by fair you mean families who can afford to pay have a better shot I feel for you. That can feel like a deep injustice. I guess itā€™s a reminder that schools cost money to run, lots of money. No one is getting rich off of teaching at boarding school.

Iā€™m not sure exactly what your BS outcome was but Iā€™m sorry you are feeling disappointed and frustrated.

Rejected at one (PEA). Waitlisted at four. Admitted into a few - including my dream schoolā€¦ with one more to go.
in The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread Comment by Heading2HS March 9

@dogsmama1997 - Iā€™m kind of perplexed, tooā€¦ because based on the post above , I thought @Heading2HS was good to go with an acceptance to a dream school. Has dream status changed or are you still hoping for a WL school to come through?

Also- based on your post on my thread over on Chances - Are you the parent or student ? : " After we visited a handful of schools, and while waiting, I as a working parent canā€™t help but to wonder whether AO job at HADES is easy or hard to do? "

Iā€™m simply asking for clarity - I totally get the disappointment - but I think it would help a lot to know which one you are because then weā€™d all be in a much better position to discuss whatā€™s on your mind.

Iā€™m sorry, I shouldnā€™t have assumed you were a parent. Are you waitlisted any place else or just Blair? I hope they are able to take you, your sister and my daughter! Blair is truly a lovely school. We are very hopeful. Fingers crossedā€¦maybe some accepted kids will choose elsewhere and some spots will open.

@friendtrooper Yes, Iā€™m only waitlisted at Blair ( I didnā€™t do well on choosing schools though). Good luck to your daughter!

we didnā€™t choose well with schools either from the standpoint that we applied to too many that my daughter didnā€™t have a realistic shot at. Sheā€™s a very good student but in retrospect there were many other less big name schools that would have been great for her and she may have had better odds getting accepted. Having said that we felt Blair was the perfect place and I was stunned that she did not get in and was waitlisted. I sure hope the three of you all end up getting in! Think positiveā€¦itā€™s not over til itā€™s over :))