The Wait List

Has anyone heard from PEA yet? I have been speaking with the AO about my updated applications, and they tend to respond to emails quickly. But the AO emailed me once, stating that Exeter had around 3,000 applicants this year. They might be busy.

@Happy007 I didn’t receive an email from Exeter yet. I will call coming Monday.

Has anyone heard from the Deerfield or Hotchkiss waitlists?

Cate’s waitlist is also closed, by the way (both priority and regular pools).

Is anyone waitlisted at Exeter? If so, have you been admitted or denied yet?

@pleaseadmit How about you? I didn’t receive anything yet.

Thanks for sharing. Would you know if it applies to the middle school as well? 6th grade? Thanks

@sadpotato Thanks for sharing. Would you know if Milton’s waitlist is also closed for the middle school? 6th grade? Thanks

@gracieboston Thanks for sharing. Re Milton
Would you know if it applies to the middle school as well? 6th grade? Thanks

@neschools No, unfortunately I don’t know.

@neschools I do believe some grades/pools are open at Milton because I am applying for 10th grade boarding boys and have not received any information about waitlist closing, so I assume they are still pulling from WL from some grades/applicant pools. I do not, however, have any info on the 6th grade WL.

Sorry I do not know about the middle school. I know it’s a stressful process. Finger crossed.

@ neschools. Sorry I do not know about the middle school. I know it’s a stressful process. Finger crossed.

Is there someone to receive about waitlist email from PA or PEA? Today I called PEA and asked the update waitlist. But they told me “just wait and they will send email soon”. Please update if you have any information.

@momboarding77,I do not think PEA or PA, have sent out any updates about the waitlist. It could be that they have space, and are in the process of reviewing, as deposits were due by the 10th, and they are looking to see if they are over-enrolled. Usually, PA and PEA will send out an email on the 10th, to state if they have been overenrolled, so it is surprising that they haven’t sent out any updates yet.

But due to the high amount of applicants, I believe that they have not yet decided if they are choosing to go through the waitlist. As of now, it is better to wait, to see what happens.

Hower PA and PEA have the highest yields of any private school, as they are the first choices of many. While this is discouraging, there is still hope, as even PA and PEA are sometimes under-enrolled.

As others wrote, the “top” schools are very likely beyond capacity for yield. My son was waitlisted at one and accepted to another. At the waitlist school he was (so we were told) a top recruit for his sport (but with the need for $ too) and even the head coach had zero pull on the WL. He happily went to the other school (his first choice but either would have been fantastic) and is in a forced double room as are most of the freshman due to high yield. Unofficially no one came of either waitlist. Not writing this to be negative, but being new to this world last year we had a false belief that there would be a decent amount of movement on waitlists and that is just not the case for these schools.

Also, as others wrote, knowing what we know now (and from two good friends of his who went “top 100 schools”) many, many, schools offer an excellent education and experiences outside of the PA, PEA, SPS type list. For our younger son we will absolutely cast a wider net. Lesson learned there too.

I called PEA just now. The lady said “we haven’t updated waitlist yet. We are expecting to communicate with families soon.” Please chip in if you have any info on PEA’s waitlist.

I feel this is not promising. They might have enrolled fully. If they aren’t, they should have gone into the waitlist soon after 4/10.

" If they aren’t, they should have gone into the waitlist soon after 4/10. "

@summershiliu - Not necessarily, but you’re likely right about being fully enrolled. The only delay I can think of is the unholy- newish trend of accepted families asking for “more time” to decide which is always granted. This type of thing ( asking for an extension ) rarely - almost never happened five years ago , but it does ( for whatever reason ) now - and more often than you think ! Hang in there and good luck!!

@summershiliu That’s right. Yesterday I called, too and they told me as same as you. I wonder how they are managing many waitlists. I’m also confused my child is remaining on WL after 3/10.