The Wait List

For PEA, I feel that it rarely happens that families ask for more time to decide. Strangely that both PA and PEA didn’t update their waitlist yet. Good to know about the new trend, though. My daughter got accepted into another school and they offered to extend the deadline without me asking.

I’m sorry but you’re wrong. PA and PEA isn’t a no brainer for everyone… especially for families who have choices.

From our previous experience about PA, if you have not got any email from them regarding the enrollment, it might mean there is some movement there. I remember two years we got email from them a week before 4/10 that they have fully enrolled. And for 10th or above graders applicant, there are more chances that kids will be off from waitlist during the summer since some current students decides not to come back during summer. Last year, my daughter got off from the waiting list at end of June for 10th grade in PA and later we heard there are some others students as well.

For the waitlist, chance is very slim, don’t put too much hope, but miracle did happens. Good luck everyone!

@flywithwind Thank you for your information. It’s really different before not to let waitlists about full enrollments after 4/10. There is something not to inform to waitlists definitely. I’m not sure that there was some happening to accept wrong students by mistake in college before. Just thinking T.T

PA and all schools, seem to look at need. Our daughter stayed on the 9th grade WL and reapplied for 10th and got in. Our son, applied for the 10th last year, WL till August and reapplied this year and got in. AO did say last year that they were scrambling to find beds for boys. Need but NOT DEMAND.

Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place.”

Let’s support each other instead of throwing shade at one another. The snark ends now. I have deleted several posts without commentary, but if I have to delete any more after this point, my commentary will be attached to a warning.

If you delete the “snark” comments, can there be all deleted or none? Thanks

I deleted the ones that I felt needed to be deleted. If there are comments that you feel I missed, feel free to flag for a moderator to review.

FYI for WL parents : If you absolutely need BS placement for next year - please don’t forget about the Junior Boarding School option- especially if you have a young 8th or 9th grader. Even though most kids enroll in JBS for 7th - it’s also a really great option for repeat 8th or 9th.

Just throwing it out there! For more info:

Has anyone heard anything from Milton or DA… I heard Milton closed 9th grade WL, but have not closed some other grades. I have literally received no information from DA other than the AO who interviewed me who told me back in early April they would have more info in the coming weeks. Does anyone know if DA has sent any email at all.

Nope, haven’t gotten anything from DA yet.

Has anyone heard from Choate yet?

@CC4life @sadpotato did you guys get the da email about the waitlist?

i forgot what it was about, but i believe it was sent out about one and a half weeks ago

My cousin is a bit sad since all her applications are on the waitlist.

@muchanxieotea yeah I received the original email with basic info, but I was wondering if they had closed some grades/applicant pools or they just haven’t sent any other emails in general.

They emailed me that they are “at capacity” and don’t see much movement in their waitlist, but that things can change.

@sub2pewdiepie what grade are u applying to? and your talking about DA right?

I’m applying as a 9th grade boarder, but I’m applying to Choate. I was replying to @bookmerd :slight_smile:

Could someone explain this process for us - we are applying late, DD decided in March she really wants to go, as friends are heading off to BS too. No waitlist, still doing essays, getting teacher recommendations, and have had talks with a number of 2nd tier (Proctor, Harkness, Pomfret), who indicated they have openings. DD has a sport going for her, so perhaps that helps, along with good grades.

But will the schools really consider her, or are they just taking out insurance in case their waitlist candidates don’t pan out? Admissions folk are all really positive “she is an excellent candidate, she should apply” - but I don’t want to get her hopes dashed.

What is really going on here. Sorry, very new to this BS thing, but excited for her possibilities.