The Wait List

@GOSOX1 I would agree with a lot of people on this forum saying that you shouldn’t read too much into the tea leaves. However, I would still definitely submit an application. There isn’t really anything to lose at this point, and there’s always a chance something good will happen!

Most schools end up with a couple of openings between April and September. A student doesn’t return because of finances, health, family issues, unhappiness at current school. Someone like your D is then a candidate for that spot.

If they are encouraging the application, go for it! Those schools are hardly second tier, just less well-known, btw.

@GOSOX1 It truly depends on the school. Our school has rolling admissions, therefore they aren’t tied to any specific enrollment dates. They have a Spring preview day coming up on April 24th and still take admissions applications. Some schools are at capacity at this time, some have one or two opening where they are looking for a very specific candidate, and some have more than a few openings.

hey has anyone heard anything from da?

@GOSOX1 : Make sure to clarify whether or not financial aid is still available unless you plan to be full pay.

There will be many boarding schools that will accept your daughter if she has good grades, ssat and particularly if she does a sport. Your real issue now is financial aid. If you are prepared to pay her full way (or pretty close to it) you have a great shot at getting her in somewhere. There are some really great schools that are not big name recognition but nonetheless will offer her a great education and life experience.
Financial aid at this point will be a major factor in what kind of results you get. You will not get an acceptance if they cannot offer the funding to cover her…which will then leave you wondering if it was because she didn’t pass muster academically. To avoid paying application fees and having her hopes dashed, just be sure the places you are speaking to know your financial need up front. If they are still encouraging you to send in the applications knowing your financials that’s a really good sign. Hope she finds a great school where she will be happy! Best wishes

Hello, I’m new to the forum (just made my account today). I am currently on the WL at PA as a 10th grader and was wondering if writing a letter of continued interest would mean anything to the AO there. Thanks in advance

My son is currently in 9th grade at Mercersburg. The parent newsletter that was just emailed yesterday said that they had a very successful application cycle, and that they were fully enrolled as of Decision Day on April 10th. Of course someone could back out between now and September. But if I was a wait listed applicant, I would probably expect there to be minimal movement at this point. I wish you the best of luck!

@benshoefly04 Did you receive any email about full enrollments before or after 04/10 from PA? I didn’t get any email from PA after A10 and I called them and they didn’t explain about waitlist update specifically.

@momboarding77 I haven’t received anything since they put me on the waiting list, so we’re probably in the same boat.

Has anyone heard of any movement on the Mercersburg waitlist?

@RuralAmerica …“Some schools are at capacity at this time, some have one or two opening where they are looking for a very specific candidate, and some have more than a few openings”

Any way to find out which schools those are? Anyone have a list?! I hate to waste time, and application $, on schools that are not really open, but just, as one told us, to increase their pool ‘just in case’.

@GOSOX1 the best thing to do would be to search for schools with rolling admissions. Take a look at the schools listed, even if they aren’t the “big ticket” schools listed time and time again on forum. Look for fit and what each school has to offer. There are some real gems out there that don’t get much coverage on CC, but are fantastic schools!

Check out Pomfret. My daughter applied after deadline and we were told that they could offer her a spot if we were prepared to pay at least half tuition. That was this week. It’s a good school. Worth checking out. Holderness could be another good option. So much will depend on how much you can pay. They’ve all distributed their financial aid now.

Congrats on the offer @friendtrooper and yes, we are not looking for FA, which makes it easier. Is she going to Pomfret? What do you think of the school? We are really coming in late, and haven’t had a chance to look at schools yet - we live on west coast.

Is it ok if I ask a school if they are looking for a specific athlete or musician or any scpecial studen? ( because I heard that schools still accept application because they need specific students) My time is very limited now so I don’t want to waste it. Thank you

@PhotographerMom - I surely hope your nearly 2,000 posts brought some valuable points to this community. Your recent post (#2298) did not. Discussing about my points of view is ok, whereas analyzing (guessing) my personal situation is not.

I hope you would agree that one standing on board/shore can still recognize gators in okeechobee water. One can develop views about the historical events hundreds of years ago - without being there. One can often reasonably assess small situations and society conditions without being personally involved or negatively affected. …

Each one of us is an individual but we together are more. I am writing as me, but I am not just writing of me, and I would not just think about my own experience. … My personal view about this world and about boarding school is not defined by my own application, admission, and enrollment experience. Rather, they helped to enrich and validate my assessment and view - which are my to keep and my to share. You are welcome to discuss my view or yours, but please refrain from gossip, guessing, or personally personal.

“The Boarding School application process, however competitive, does not equate to fair admission process. – Agree or Disagree?”

@appleeee - Are you talking about schools outside your WL schools? If you are - yes, but I’d frame it differently by just calling around and asking about availability first. No doubt that if a school has availability, they’ll ask preliminary questions to open a dialogue which can possibly lead to a late app.

I would suggest that you prepare an epic elevator presentation before picking up the phone so you’re ready to have that conversation without being caught off guard. :slight_smile:

I sent an email following up on the waitlist status at pomfret, inquiring as to whether they were taking anyone else. This was what they sent back…

“I will be happy to schedule a campus tour and interview, however, before we do that, it is fair for me to let you know that since the first round of decisions have gone out, our financial aid is limited. We would not be able to fund tuition unless your family can pay at least 50% of the tuition. If this is not a concern for you, please email back and we’ll get a date scheduled.”

My daughter is not an athlete or musician or anything like that so I would say if you do not need full financial aid it’s is worth giving pomfret a call.

No my daughter is not going to pomfret. We needed more than 50% financial aid which they emailed to say we would have to be able to cover in order to move forward— so that alone ruled it out. My daughter is on the waitlist at two schools that she did apply to before the deadline. We are hoping one of those will come through for her. I’m trying to be optimistic as I know often times waitlist offers are made as late as June, but realistically I think we very likely may get no where with it.

I think if financial aid is not an issue you should absolutely look into pomfret. It is a good school and may be a really nice fit for you