The Wait List

@PhotographerMom what if they ask me straight away if I had applied to any school before or is waitlisted? It’s not a rare question for those schools.

Personally I would say that you decided after the deadline to apply to boarding school and I would not tell them anything about applying to others or being waitlisted. My daughter applied to one after the deadline once we knew she had gotten no acceptances and only two waitlists.
That school interviewed her via Skype about a week ago. She thought it went really well. They asked her that very question and she was honest. The next day we got a rejection letter.

My conversations with the AO up that point had been very positive and as soon as they found that out it was done. I can’t say for sure that other factors like financial aid weren’t involved but I do think telling them you are waitlisted at other places that you did apply to before the deadline is the kiss of death. Don’t do it.

@Heading2HS - I disagree.

Further - There’s absolutely nothing wrong with post #2298. I simply asked if you were a student or parent based on my past - occasionally unfortunate - experiences of talking to a parent like I was talking to a child- which I think we’d all like to avoid regardless of how many posts we’ve written.

By the way- I’d hope that 1,919 posts over 6+ years would show that I post with some purpose and restraint.

FWIW- It is difficult to tell where people are coming from sometimes, and I think it’s okay to ask who you’re dealing with occasionally so you can form an appropriate or reasonable response. If there’s a language barrier of some kind - I truly understand, but it appeared that you were posting as both parent and student and I was seeking clarity - which in all honesty benefits everyone contributing to this or any other thread.

@friendtrooper Thanks a lot for the suggestion, but I don’t think Pomfret would fit me well. Luckily, if I can’t go to BS, I would attend a very good school in my country. I just want to go because I love dorm life so much :slight_smile:
Have you heard anything from Blair yet?

@appleeee - Tell them the truth because there’s absolutely no shame whatsoever associated with a WL or getting shutout. :slight_smile: Go for it and good luck!

@PhotographerMom @friendtrooper Thank you

If a BS says that “additional information is not necessary” on their WL decision letter, does this mean that they specifically don’t want any more information or that they would accept something if you sent it (like a LOCI)?

Today I received the email about summer waitlist from Exeter. This spring is so hard~~

The Storm King School which is 1 hour away from NYC is still accepting applications for spots in each grade available. Wonderful option with a beautiful campus. Smaller enrollment will excellent faculty and welcoming staff. Highly encourage applying to this school as they can give you a decision within a couple of days after submitting.

No nothing from Blair as of yet. How about for you? I know it is entirely possible that we may hear something well into May as some accepted kids ask for more time to commit, so they may still be getting numbers worked out

Blair has sent 10th-grade waitlist closed e-mails.

Per ToS and legal, emails can be summarized, but not quoted. Email from Blair deleted.


Can you summarize for me what the email said (as exact as you can without it getting deleted again) can you tell me day and time that it was sent please? Very appreciative. Thank you

Is there someone to receive an email about summer waitlist from Exeter today?

Did you get this closed waitlist email from Blair that prepschool172882 is talking about?

Deerfield sent an email that the waitlist is basically closed but if you want to stay on it until the beginning of the school year then you can. Did anyone else also get this?

@sadpotato yea i did

@friendtrooper Basically, it said you have not been admitted at the time, but you can stay on the waitlist and we will notify a final decision by June 1. Received 4/15/19 at 3:36.

@sadpotato We received emails from DA and PEA about fully enrolled and unlikely going through the waitlist, .etc. Oh well, our hope was not set high in the beginning anyway.

Thank you @prepschool172882. I have checked my emails and spam folder and thus far we have not gotten that. I appreciate you letting me know about it…I am not sure what to read into either way but the waiting game is hard and I feel like any information helps. One reason we may not have gotten it is because my daughter applied as a repeat 10th grader and we had told them that we would be open to an 11th grade spot should there not be an opening at 10th grade level. That could have made a difference possibly.

How do you feel about it? Was Blair high ranking for you or were there other schools you were hoping for more? I do hope whatever you have your heart set on works out for you. Fingers crossed for all of us in this waiting status! It’s not easy. Hang in there