The Wait List

I would agree that for those who may be applying after deadlines, it is extremely important to turn your app in as quickly as possible or the only spot may disappear. Schools want to lock all this down asap this time of year and they don’t want to take a chance on waiting for your child if another comes along who fits the criteria and is ready to write a check.

Update Alert! For those of you who remember, my DS was waitlisted at 2 schools and rejected at 4. He decided to check into a few with rolling admissions. We asked specifically if they had grade level and openings, position availability in his sport and if they had any funds available for FA left to distribute. We applied to 2 more schools. He got accepted to both AND offered some FA! We are so thrilled he stayed positive and pursued what he ultimately wanted! My advise to those in the same boat, call and ask exactly what you need to know.

Congratulations, @Harshdog !!!

Well played, @Harshdog and Harshdog DS…!!!

Congratulations @Harshdog , so very happy for you and DS!


Happy for you @Harshdog !!!

@Harshdog So happy for you. Best of luck to HarshPup… Curious to hear where he’ll end up this fall…

That’s awesome. Congrats @harshdog! So happy to see someone get some good news. Hope it all goes well!

Well played, @Harshdog ! Congratulations on having moved on so successfully.

Thank you all! There has been some great advice and encouragement! The waitlist is definitely a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ll update which school he decides on when we actually push the button to accept. Trying to see if we can swing a quick trip up to visit the schools first.

Congrats @Harshdog! I’m glad my advice to be upfront with schools paid off!

Did anyone hear any movement on the Choate waitlist?

Congrats to @Harshdog!

For others in the same situation, a good friend of CTKid1 had a similar experience 2 years ago. WL’d or accepted with insufficient FA at several schools, they did further research and applied to some smaller schools they hadn’t been aware of in the first round. He was accepted to both and offered FA. He loves the school he attends. In retrospect, now knowing more about the BSs where he’d first applied, it’s hard to imagine him attending some of them.

@momboarding77 We received the email from PEA about remaining on the summer waitlist. L’ville also notified that they would not be going to the wait list at this time. Still nothing from PA. Luckily, DS has happily enrolled elsewhere. Keeping the options open, though.

@sub2pewdiepie i mean if you go back a bit i’m quite sure people were saying that choate closed

@muchanxieotea I’ve read this thread from the first page - I’ve already read all the previous posts. I’ve also gotten the email from Choate, but all they’ve said is that they’re “at capacity” and don’t see “much” waitlist movement, not any. Even if a school sends out that they’re closed, there may still be exceptions, so that’s why I’m asking

A school that says it is at capacity is, for all intents and purposes, done admitting students.

Over the summer, there may be a few kids (and they usually allow for a little bit of this, so technically, a few more than expected) who have paid deposits who choose not to come. Reasons for that may be health related, financial (loss of a job), etc.

Put it out of your mind…

Was Lawrenceville even tougher with admissions this year? I heard of stories of extremely strong, deep legacy students getting wait listed. I know of schools that you might not expect claimed their admittance rates were in the 11% range, but wow…

We are also a legacy family in top BS. Our child is on waitlist applying FA. BS schools need money and they don’t care if the legacy family didn’t donate money. Though the legacy family didn’t donate, if the child had great hook and BS pick him up. Money or Wonderful hook.