The Wait List

People who get waitlisted M10 are shellshocked and many don’t know what to do. Most BSs give people very little or ZERO WL guidance. It’s true - many people ( who have been on this site for months ) never post again after they receive all waitlists or rejections , but they are quickly replaced by a large army of newcomers M10- A10 - who don’t have any idea what to do either.

Past and current CC BS parents and students are the best - alums, too. Many spend countless hours privately helping people off threads throughout the year, but are especially helpful and compassionate during M10- A10.

Everyone here is very dedicated and always ready to help- which speaks volumes about this wonderful community. I’ve never witnessed anything like it… but on M10, this thread can get very repetitive, emotional and exhausting for everyone - especially and most regrettably for the families looking for WL guidance or a Hail Mary BS placement for next year.

It can also dissolve into " crystal ball " madness for a solid month- which is an interesting albeit exhausting phenomenon. Ask @ChoatieMom how many times I’ve " retired " during the month of April since I’ve been here .

I kid - don’t listen to her- it’s sheer coincidence! :wink:

Enter Post #2478 and Post #2479.

Post #2478 covers a common question about how to navigate a first choice- WL scenario- which also includes a handy timeline. The rest covers what families need to understand if they receive all waitlists- which ( sadly ) is a very common occurrence - plus an enthusiastic plea to formulate or at least discuss a possible Plan B before decisions.

Post #2479 continues with Plan B ( FA and FP ) with a blurb about Rolling Admissions - and all of it is designed to encourage people to take their power back and move forward. Maybe with the subtlety of a large rolling pin or hand grenade, but you get the point.

Anyway- hopefully both posts will provide some helpful guidance and a little insight for those who NEED BS placement for next year - because that’s my most sincere wish.

I’m also pretty sure everyone knows what their options are at home or they wouldn’t be here. Need is a funny thing- and the definition should always be left to the individual or families to determine.

Take care and good luck everyone. I hope everyone’s M10 dreams come true and Happy Holidays!!

I have heard that students can be accepted but still waitlisted for FA. Would this happen only at some schools? Would this only happen if the PFS shows that the family can pay full price?


If the PFS shows that the family can pay full price, they will be expected to do so. No school will waste FA funds on a family who cannot demonstrate need as there is no gap to cover, and schools will not place a student on an FA waitlist when it knows in advance that no funds will be forthcoming. The FA WL is for students with demonstrated need who the school would like to accept but can’t due to the FA budget for that class already being allocated to other candidates.

If a family believes that the PFS has it wrong, it makes sense to discuss the situation with the school’s FA office. If there is some extenuating circumstance that was not considered in the original assessment, then there might be room for negotiation.

In our case, two schools called prior to M10 to ask whether we thought we could somehow swing it as the PFS said we could. If we agreed, both would send admittance letters. If we couldn’t, one school would send a rejection stating the reason for the rejection, and the other asked if we wanted them to send an outright rejection or a WL as a “soft” rejection.

Thanks for your reply. There is a thread on this forum which suggests that sometimes students are accepted to a school but wait listed for FA. My post was asking under what circumstances would such a situation come about. Sorry for not being more clear.

I am wondering if this situation would only occur if a family has not demonstrated that they need financial aid.

Is it possible that a student does demonstrate some need and is accepted but still wait listed for need? If so, I wondered if this case is only applicable to some schools?

If a family has not demonstrated financial need, NO school will put that family’s student on an FA WL. What would the sense be in that? A student with no demonstrated need will either be admitted as a full-pay, rejected, or WL’d for some other reason. A family MUST demonstrate the need for aid to be considered for aid or potentially WL’d for for that reason. I’m not sure how to say it more clearly.

An applicant with demonstrated need, regardless of amount, will either be accepted with FA, rejected due to insufficient available funds (some schools), or WL due to insufficient available funds (some schools).

I think your confusion is with the terms “accepted” and “wait listed” in the same sentence. There are only three outcomes for an applicant:

  • Direct admission (either as full-pay or with financial aid)
  • Rejected (for whatever reason, FA can be one of those reasons)
  • Wait listed (for whatever reason, FA can be one of those reason)

WL’d students are considered admissible but aren’t directly accepted. They simply have a chance for acceptance if a slot opens up that the school feels it needs to fill and they match the missing profile and, if needing FA, sufficient funds have become available. They aren’t accepted and WL’d at the same time. A school may say they’d like to admit this student but due to insufficient funds are placing them on the WL for reconsideration should a slot and adequate funds become available.

Does this clear it up for you? If not, perhaps another poster has a better way of explaining.

Super helpful @ChoatieMom.

I think I have probably read some of the same posts that maybe are adding some confusion (I might be wrong @vox_nihili so don’t mean to put words in your mouth). But I have definitely read some posts over the past few M10 results threads that would suggest that some schools have yet another category – being fully admitted, but on a waitlist for FA. Meaning you retain your ability to accept the offer if you can find another source of money. (Versus, getting a WL or Rejection due to FA reasons.)

-Being on any WL implies admissibility but is not a direct acceptance.

-You can apply for FA and get an acceptance letter but no FA. In that case, you either find a way to pay or you decline the admission by A10, no WL in the picture.

-If a school puts you on their WL for FA, you are not admitted until sufficient funds are released back to the FA pool AND there is a you-shaped slot to be filled. There is no guarantee you will get off that WL. This is not an acceptance.

-Some schools will say, “We’ll admit your student if you can be full-pay and you have until to decide,” but that time is usually measured in hours. This was our scenario, but I wouldn’t call that a WL.

If you are saying that some schools will send a letter saying “Congratulations! You are accepted to but we cannot give you any FA, so you will remain on our FA WL just in case you can come up with the funds to be full-pay. Just let us know by A10.” I’ve never heard of that, but perhaps this has happened to someone who can confirm. But, I don’t really see any difference between this scenario and just getting accepted with no FA. Every admitted family has until A10 to decide whether to accept or decline an offer, and many families who do not receive FA DO scramble during that time to determine, ultimately, if they can afford pay or not, but how does adding that you’re on an FA WL change the admitted-without-FA scenario?

I think we are maybe saying the same thing?

To use your language, “Accepted without FA…” This sounds to me like a 4th category to add to your original 3 possible outcomes.

But, again, I could be misunderstanding.

It’s not a 4th category because it only happens to people who applied for financial aid but will NEVER receive it from said school. If they determine that you actually can pay they may admit you but say “no FA because you don’t qualify.”

If you are accepted without financial aid and FA admitees turn down a spot there is no chance you will get FA. That spot will go to a candidate on the wait list, similar to the kid who said nope, whom the school has determined does qualify for financial aid.

I have also heard of instances like @ChoatieMom where a school called and said “we’d like to admit you if you can be full pay” that’s before decisions are made though - before M10 (at least in the cases I’ve heard). It’s similar to getting a call saying “we’d like to admit you if you’d consider repeating 10th grade.”

So “No FA because you don’t qualify” could get Admit no FA. But “No FA, even though you qualify but we just ran out” could NOT get an Admit no FA – they would go into the pipeline of phone call/WL/rejection due to FA, etc. The details of that pipeline depend by school, if I understand correctly, but in any case do NOT include “Admit but you are on a WL for FA.” (Which is exactly what some older posts have said happened in the past – admit but WL FA – but it sounds like that is not actually an option at all.)

Hi there,

Thank you ChoatieMom, CallieMom and oneof1each for your responses!

  • Direct admission (either as full-pay or with financial aid)
  • Rejected (for whatever reason, FA can be one of those reasons)
  • Wait listed (for whatever reason, FA can be one of those reason)


Yes those are what I would expect but I have read posts on here where a student is admitted to the school but waitlisted for FA which isn’t captured in the three points above. I could be wrong but that’s what the posts imply.

Calliemom summarized it here:

But I have definitely read some posts over the past few M10 results threads that would suggest that some schools have yet another category -- being fully admitted, but on a waitlist for FA. Meaning you retain your ability to accept the offer if you can find another source of money.


Yes this is it exactly. These posts suggest that some students are admitted so they can attend if they are able to find funds to pay somehow - but are waitlisted for FA so they likely won’t be receiving any aid from the school unless the school manages to find some funding. These students don’t seem to be waitlisted for entry only their FA is waitlisted. That is what I am wondering about. How would such a circumstance arise? If a family doesn’t show need then why bother waitlisting the student for FA instead of just denying the student FA? Could it be a way to allow a family some more time to submit supporting documentation to show they in fact do have need? The other possibility is that the student does demonstrate financial need and the school wants them but can’t provide aid. However, in this case why accept the student instead of waitlisting them until the aid becomes available (if at all)? Is it that the school doesn’t have more aid available but still wants this student so is hoping the student’s family will somehow manage to find funding?

If you are saying that some schools will send a letter saying "Congratulations! You are accepted to but we cannot give you any FA, so you will remain on our FA WL just in case you can come up with the funds to be full-pay. Just let us know by A10." I've never heard of that, but perhaps this has happened to someone who can confirm. But, I don't really see any difference between this scenario and just getting accepted with no FA.


Well it is somewhat different because it’s possible a school might send out FA offers to students who won’t accept those offers. Those funds might become available for a student waitlisted for FA (slim chance but there) but the same funds will never be available for a student who is accepted with no FA.

If they determine that you actually can pay they may admit you but say “no FA because you don’t qualify.”


Yes but I’m asking about the kids who are accepted into a school but waitlisted for FA. Would a family who is able to pay be waitlisted for FA? I don’t understand why a school would waitlist such an applicant for FA unless perhaps to give the family more time to document their need? Maybe some missing paperwork with the FA forms or something of that sort.

If you are accepted without financial aid and FA admitees turn down a spot there is no chance you will get FA. That spot will go to a candidate on the wait list, similar to the kid who said nope, whom the school has determined does qualify for financial aid.


However these students are not students who were accepted without FA. They are accepted but waitlisted for FA which probably in reality amounts to the same thing but is somewhat different in status. The school hasn’t denied them FA funds outright. Could this just be a way to let the family know that if there are funds made available somehow (ie. other students rejecting financial aid awards) the family will continue to be considered for these funds?

Some families apply for FA to see if they’ll get it but may have a fall-back plan (such as asking the grandparents to pay.) Or selling a piece of art. Or renting out the apartment over the garage. None of those situations, for example, would have been apparent to someone reviewing the file.

I think the scenario being described…the phone call asking if you can be FP, would you take the spot…is more rare than coming off a wait list. Which, anyone who reads this thread the entire way through will see, is akin to winning a lottery.
Our experience was, too, that many schools who say yes won’t give you your FA package amount immediately. You’ll get the electronic yes and have to wait to see how much FA you received. (This may have changed and definitely varies school to school).
Schools do know there are families who apply for FA who are borderline and want to see if they’ll get some help but who can likely move things around in their budget to afford BS. So, on the very rare occasion as you’ve seen, these students may have been contacted prior to M10 to see if they’d accept a spot without aid, or some have been accepted On M10 but without aid. I have never heard of anyone being accepted and told…but wait around to see if we can give you funds.

Also, it’s been explained to me by FA people (we are on a bubble which fluctuates because my husband is self-employee) that funds for those that have very clear need are distributed first. And if a WL spot becomes available because such a student doesn’t accept admission, that WL spot is more likely to go to some with a similar socioeconomic background, not someone who is in a different economic situation, to maintain diversity.

@ChoatieMom was pretty on point. If you are applying for FA expect the following three scenarios: Congrats, Maybe, or No. And remember, the latter two are pretty much the same.

No. A family who can pay will not get FA. No school would use FA money on a family who could pay for school - there are too many qualified candidates, who bring something useful to the school, who can’t attend without FA.

Are you worried because you can pay but applied for FA?

No. A family who can pay will not get FA. No school would use FA money on a family who could pay for school - there are too many qualified candidates, who bring something useful to the school, who can’t attend without FA.


Right that’s what I would expect. This is why I am curious about the situation where a student is admitted to the school but waitlisted for FA. How does this arise? It seems the only way this can arise is in the situation where the family actually demonstrates need since if they don’t demonstrate need they won’t be waitlisted for aid but rather denied aid as ChoatieMom described. Makes sense and it’s what I would have expected. If so, that means that if students are being accepted to a school but waitlisted for FA then the school must feel the family has demonstrated a need for aid. If so, why would the school accept the student rather than waitlist the student since that student is likely unable to attend without the required aid?

Are you worried because you can pay but applied for FA?

Nope. This question isn’t personal though I wish we were that fortunate! I just wondered about the situation where a student was accepted but waitlisted for FA as I didn’t see what would be the reason such a situation would even come into play. I would have expected that a family who doesn’t need aid would never be waitlisted for aid and a family who does need aid wouldn’t be accepted without the needed aid. One possibility I considered was the case where a family who the school believes actually does need aid but hasn’t yet fully demonstrated it ie. there is some missing paperwork or something along those lines and so they are waitlisted until the paperwork is provided.

However, I think gardenstategal answered this question best:

Some families apply for FA to see if they'll get it but may have a fall-back plan (such as asking the grandparents to pay.) Or selling a piece of art. Or renting out the apartment over the garage. None of those situations, for example, would have been apparent to someone reviewing the file.


Yes that could explain it. I would think being in such a situation is rare but I’m not sure.

Our experience was, too, that many schools who say yes won’t give you your FA package amount immediately. You’ll get the electronic yes and have to wait to see how much FA you received.


I didn’t know this. I thought most schools provide not only the acceptance but the FA award on M10? Do schools inform students of any FA awards by the deadline to accept?

Schools do know there are families who apply for FA who are borderline and want to see if they’ll get some help but who can likely move things around in their budget to afford BS. So, on the very rare occasion as you’ve seen, these students may have been contacted prior to M10 to see if they’d accept a spot without aid, or some have been accepted On M10 but without aid.


Based on the posts here, it sounds like these students received the acceptance to the school and the FA waitlist notification on M10. It didn’t sound like any notification was given before M10 unlike ChoatieMom’s situation.

If you are applying for FA expect the following three scenarios: Congrats, Maybe, or No. And remember, the latter two are pretty much the same.


For FA awards, acceptance to school or both? ChoatieMom listed three possibilities, and I could be wrong so please correct me ChoatieMom if my summary is not correct, but the three possibilities that were listed only pertain to acceptance to the school not FA awards. If a school doesn’t have the funds for a given student, that student will either be denied or put on a waitlist for admission. If that’s correct, then the situation I mention which is acceptance into school and waitlist for FA wouldn’t occur but there are posters on here who seem to suggest it is an option.

^ “Do schools inform students of any FA awards by the deadline to accept?”
Yes. Absolutely. But it doesn’t necessarily come on M10. It comes in the individualized packet specifically for your child. Ours was within a week of M10.

And as far as those posts that insinuate they were accepted but WLd for FA, that is either an extremely rare scenario (again think lottery) or the facts were somewhat misstated. I know many posters who will say they were WLd because if FA, which is a presumption because no one really ever knows the true reason for WL decisions. I also know posters who were accepted without aid period.

There are many CC posters here who have had much more experience than I, so if I’m way off base, please jump in. But I just don’t know of a school that accepts someone and says…of, but wait around to see if you get some money.

Had a good little laugh today – I just walked in the front door, having bought a piece of art from Bed Bath and Beyond that was on clearance with a bright red sticker (and I used a 20% off coupon because: BB&B!). This is not some random framed poster I’m sticking in a spare bathroom or poolhouse. This thing is going in my main living room.

So the idea of selling a piece of art to pay for boarding school just made my morning @gardenstategal. (I’ll be sure to keep the receipt until at least M11; just in case.)

@ChoatieMom is 100% correct. There are only the scenarios she outlined.

FYI: The School NOT the family decides ultimate FA WL status.

Upon their review of the FA docs ( which happens well in advance of M10 ) they determine if they’d like to admit a FA applicant BASED SOLELY ON THEIR ANALYSIS of the family’s ability to switch status and become FP… thus the call from the DOA with an invitation to change status PRIOR to decisions M10.

The ultimate FA decision and ball is always in their court.

Just to illustrate the point even further ( because believe or not this has come up post M10 ) You cannot attend a revisit day if you were waitlisted for FA . Your official status is on the WL.

Make sense? Listen to @ChoatieMom ! :slight_smile:

Yes it does make sense so thanks PhotographerMom. Also thanks ChoatieMom and all the other posters here for clearing that up. I imagine these posters must be misstating the actual situation. It seems that the status where a student is accepted to a school but waitlisted for FA just doesn’t happen. I guess that’s a shame for those families who are able to hawk a priceless heirloom to pay their boarding school bills! Sadly, I’m not one of them.

So the idea of selling a piece of art to pay for boarding school just made my morning @gardenstategal. (I'll be sure to keep the receipt until at least M11; just in case.)


Haha! That’s what I was thinking. Never even considered such a possibility but it would be really nice if I could get my hands on some artwork that I could pawn to pay for boarding school:)

What you’re asking about isn’t something I’ve ever heard of actually happening. People on CC sometimes a) misstate or don’t understand what really happened b) just don’t know what they’re talking about.

If kids on CC wrote “I was waitlisted for fa” it means they were waitlisted and assuming/hoping it was because they need fa. It’s hard to be denied at 14 when you’ve always been the best.