The Wait List

Does anyone know usually how many people are put on a waitlist?

@gmmnvctra , it varies by school. The colleges disclose how many WL offers the make. See #2537.

Thanks for that, these are very good points that I wish I had known about years ago. Any skill that contributes to a group activity is going to be more valuable than one that doesn’t.

I think the one point I really wish I’d known about was that academics almost isn’t a factor in the application – it’s important in regards to predicting future success there, but it has little to do with getting in.

@mwu9966- I just didn’t want you or anyone else to get scammed at a vulnerable time and what you said was offered sounded very predatory and extremely odd to me - to put it mildly .

People pay BS Consultants BIG money prior to deadlines for expert guidance , but without any guarantee for placement M10.

Consultants working with families do provide WL advocacy for their existing clients after M10, but- again never with any guarantee, nor do they EVER offer to resubmit " new and improved" apps after decisions. That’s just crazy because no BS would ever accept one from someone they just waitlisted or rejected.

The only available options for you or anyone else on a WL is to stay on the WL and hope for the best or apply again to the same school next year.

That said - people DO hire and pay big money to BS Consultants AFTER M10, but they hire them to work on an ENTIRELY new and different set of schools for Hail Mary placement ( think Plan B ) NOT to work on existing WL schools for a family who applied to on their own without ANY expertise or guidance from them.

Make sense?

My Plan B advice was put together using a common sense strategy and from my time ( over many years ) playing golf and talking shop with probably one of the most sought after BS Consultants in the world ( not exaggerating ) and best of all - it’s free - even though my delivery can use some work. :wink:

I’m so happy that you have a wonderful school for next year - so Congratulations and I hope you love it and have a fantastic year !!

Good information, thanks everyone.

D accepted to Deerfield and Loomis, WL at Exeter, Andover, SPS. Exeter was first choice so I guess we wait until A9.

At the risk of a slight digression, one of the biggest services offered by reputable consultants, for both BS and college, is the formulation of a list of target schools that will be a fit and where you will have some admissions offers.

So yes, they’ll help package an applicant, but they’ll also make sure that package is delivered to recipients who will be excited to get it.

Does anyone know Exeter’s yield rate in the last couple of years?

Andover: 13% acceptance rate, 80% yield, 3140 applicants (source: Phillips Academy website, April 19, 2018 )
Choate: 15% acceptance rate (source: Choate Admissions Dept, April 2018)
Exeter: 16% acceptance rate, 80% yield, 320 commits (source: The Exonian, April 19, 2018)).

(Cribbed from a prior post, sorry I don’t know how to box quote from thread to thread.)

I got rejected by all of the schools that I applied to except for one that I got waitlisted for FA. I researched some schools that are on rolling deadline and applied to a couple. What do you think I should do at this point?

@Chan2006 (!!!this is what I’m doing for my WLed schools so it’s just my personal opinions/suggestions, people on this forum pls don’t come for me lol) email your admissions officer at the waitlisted school and express to them how much you’d like to attend and show them continued interest. Update them with any achievements but not enough to annoy them. Then just hope for the best and wait for April 10th to come :,)

Actually, @Chan2006 bravo for you! I’d wait just a few days and then maybe mid- to late next week, if you have not heard from any of these schools, just touch base with them to see if there’s anything else they need from you. Research the schools well, so they know you put thought into applying to them and have specific reasons for wanting to attend their school. Most of all, be patient. This is a very busy time for these schools and the COVID19 is making things for them a bit more hectic.
Good luck to you!

Regarding the email to AO after the WL - should a parent sent it out or the kid ? which is better ? pros and cons pls. thanks

@FUIVYP I’d say the kid- It should show how interested the kid is in the school, and show them that the choice of going to a private school is driven by the kid and not the parent

Does anyone have an opinion of when is the “right” time to send a letter of interest to the Admissions office? I’m still hesitant because of the virus and it’s disruptions to all schools.

I would say that any time - including now – is fine. You can follow up a few days before decisions (and you deposit elsewhere) to ask if they expect movement and if you might be offered a spot.

@Emjiang116 you can do so now then as stated previously follow up just before A10.
We followed up with an email 3 days after M10 and got off a waitlist yesterday.

@amumof2 - That sounds great. Can you share which school and other details ? thanks

Congrats @amumof2 !!

What do you guys include in the email other than stating the school if your first choice?

Try to reiterate what you liked about the school and what you can contribute.