The Wait List

@mumof2 would you mind PM-ing me and letting me know which school? appreciate the same !

Are there any top tier boarding schools that have rolling admits ? esp for folks moving cross country or from an international location? any you’d recommend?

@mumof2 Would you also PM me the school please?

@amumof2 Glad to hear that! Do you mind PM me the school as well please?

Hello! I’m waitlisted at SG (top choice) I already talked to director of admissions letting him now that SG is my top choice and asking him about the realistic standar chances to be accepted off the waitlist. I personally think that for international students this whole thing its different, especially because in my country classes started in March and we’ve been on quarentine since the second week of school, so there isn’t such thing like an update of academical or extracurricular things that can strenght my candidacy. Anyways, if someone knows anything about SG that could be beneficial in this situation pls let me know!!

Hello all! As April 10th is approaching, is there anything further we should do? Send a follow up email?


Hi, you should send a follow up email saying again how much you want to go to their school, and you should also talk about any recent accomplishments. You could also ask your teachers to write recommendation emails to the schools to vouch for you. Good luck!

Thanks for the advice! I just had one question. If we ask teachers to write a recommendation could it possibly come off as too strong? Thanks again!


Thank you for the reply! I wrote a pretty extensive email around March 15th and I was just wondering if a follow-up email would be too pushy or too much. I don’t want to come across as rude, so should I just reiterate the reasons why I want to attend?

Just received an email that Exeter is fully enrolled. Anyone else got this email as well?

Yes, I received it too. It asks me if I still want to be in the summer wait list, I am wondering if that chance has ever happened before.

Has anyone ever received a response from Andover regarding their waitlists yet? They seem to be eerily quiet these days.

@mwu9966 and @Snappy123 i don’t want to give false hope, chances are very slim most years, but I do know of one incoming ninth grade girl that got off Exeter’s waitlist last summer. She still went to the peer school she had committed to, so presumably at least one other girl got off the waitlist too

This summer’s WL might be more volatile given the pandemic. Good luck. My fingers are crossed for you if it’s your dream school.

I hate the massive waitlisting most schools do. Hundreds put on a list, while knowing they might take a handful at best and often none.

Thank you, Trebuchet,
Actually my dream school is Lawrenceville, I am also in the wait list. Has anyone in Lawrenceville’s waitlist heard anything from them?

@mwu9966 well I can keep sprinkling some (improbable) fairy dust: the other WL acceptance I know last year was Lawrenceville. 9th grade boy. He accepted. So it does happen. Again Good luck!!

Thanks, Trebuchet. Let’s hope it happens again this year.

Actually I have one more question, because I have to commit to one school now, it is deadline, in case a chance comes up later and I want to switch to another school, what I have to pay to the school I committed now? Just the deposit or the full tuition of one year? The contract seems not that very clear, do you have any idea what the general practice is?

Has anyone heard anything about Brooks School waitlist?

We know a girl who got off WL at Choate & Deerfield last year.

In general you’d lose the deposit up until a certain date, and after that be on the hook for the whole year. I’m certainly not a grizzled veteran here but I believe most WL movement is before the full year commitment 
(which is obvious when you think about it: right now school X knows if they’re full. If they’re under, they should start moving to the WL. That movement completes before say, July which is at least when Hotchkiss crosses the on-the-full-hook Rubicon.)

@Golfgr8 do you happen to know what month(s) she got off the waitlist for both those schools? Thanks!