The Wait List

Hi @gmmnvctra - wish I could be that specific. I believe one was in May. But previous years students on CC have posted that they have been told thru May and June at some schools.

Cate sent an email to the WL student I’m helping stating as of noon today (April 10th) they are fully enrolled. Good luck to everyone waiting.

Nobody heard anything from Lville for the WL update?

Just received an email that St Paul’s is fully enrolled. :frowning:

Did anyone hear about the Andover WL?

@saddoughnut27 I just learned of at least one 9th grade girl who got off the Andover wait list a couple of days ago. So they did use it, and perhaps take it as a good sign they haven’t sent the “sorry we’re closed” email like St. Paul’s and Exeter did.

Side note: I wonder if the frequency of instagram posts just before April 10th is any indication of whether these schools have filled their class yet. Andover seemed to have a lot of these (“24 hours to go”, “Final day”, etc.) but I wasn’t paying close attention to a wide number of these schools.


That’s true. I think Andover and Exeter have a pretty similar yield wait though so it’s weird that Andover has not sent the “sorry we’re full” email.

I heard somewhere Andover usually sends them on the 26th or something, no clue why though.

@doodlebean8 Yes, that was the case last year.

Has anyone heard from the Hun waitlist

My professor sent me a NSF grant submission portal, should I include that my project that was working on helped him receive the grant?

@Hopharv — this thread is for boarding school wait list questions, not college WLs.

Has Choate sent out whether they are at capacity?

Just got an email from Hotchkiss saying that they probably won’t be going to the waitlist (I’m applying as a 9th-grade boarding student).

@Trebuchet where did you see the girl getting accepted by Andover? Also is she currently in 9th grade applying for 10th, or currently in 8th applying to 9th?

heard from Andover that they are not going to waitlist students as of now.

@FUIVYP did they email you??? Also what grade did u apply for??

Yes, they emailed. applied for 10th grade
maybe folks who haven’t heard still have a chance.

@FUIVYP just pmed u!!

Has anyone heard from Lawrenceville?