The Wait List


I sent you a message.

I heard Lawrenceville is fully enrolled for the fall.

Did they email that to you? I received an email from Lawrenceville about a week ago asking for any personal updates or achievements since originally completing the application process, but haven’t heard from them since.

@NSaucer she’s a family friend; 8th going into 9th.

I have a question related to wait lists. We have heard from the school that my daughter was waitlisted at that they are not taking anyone off the wait list at this time due to full enrolment . We are brand new to this process and so are trying to understand the process.

For those of you familiar with this process, can you tell me if movement tends to happen when the first payment to the school is due? When is that first payment typically due? In other words, people may have indicated by April 10th that their child will attend, but really up until the point when you have to make a payment, are you really committed to the school?

I am trying to anticipate potential possibilities of when the wait list might open up. We are trying hard to remain optimistic that this dream could become a reality!

I heard from a current Lawrenceville parent during a connect and chat webinar this week, headmaster stated they were fully enrolled for the fall. Hope this helps.

I believe July 1st is when most schools request tuition payment. I’d imagine there won’t be much movement off waitlists until mid to late June, and only if people opt out early, otherwise it would be after July 1st.

Has anyone heard from Deerfield or Loomis? Also, if anyone has any information on how waitlisted siblings affect their chances of coming off the waitlist?


I just went to look at our contract, and those who will pay tuition in monthly installments have their first payment on June 1st (those who will pay in one or two installments have the July 1 deadline). So there could be movement around that date

I just heard from very reliable sources in both schools, Deerfield and Milton, that they are full and won’t be turning to their waitlist. But due to the current situation (corona) you never know, stay positive!

Regarding the Deerfield question, from what it sounds like they are overenrolled for the fall and won’t be looking to the waitlist unless something drastically changes. They were overenrolled this past year as well and even had to have some upperclassmen be housed in doubles.

I know I’ve said this elsewhere, but anyone still looking for a school for next year – some fantastic schools are still accepting applications. I did a quick search on for schools that are accepting and there are some really great options there! (If you go search, do NOT log in – for some reason I can’t get the search to work if I’m logged in).

If there is a school you don’t see on there where you feel like you would be a fantastic fit, then there is absolutely nothing stopping you from emailing and asking if they are open to receiving a late application. (I might not bother with the “biggest players” that are already fully committed, and have a large waitlist.)

Also, I do think this year will be a strange year with parents on the fence maybe pulling out this summer. So if you are on a wait list, it may still be in play with some schools. We actually had a school we turned down reach back out to us around April 10 to ask if they could offer DD a merit scholarship to draw her back. (We had already committed elsewhere, but it was a very nice gesture.)

Anyway – it’s a strange year, and it’s not over unless you want it to be. (And if you do, that is totally great too!)

Milton just sent out an email saying that they probably won’t be going to their waitlist this year. I agree with @Calliemomofgirls though, it’s going to be strange this year. Also, congrats on getting off the WL for one of your schools!!

I agree whole-heartedly with @Calliemomofgirls . I think that many schools may be limiting their boarding population so that they can have some kind of social distancing protocol if they need it so they may be “full” without being as enrolled as they have been in the past. Turning singles into doubles isn’t an option right now!

At the same time, there are going to be families who do not want their kids in dorms, kids who can’t get visas, families who feel less comfortable writing a tuition check, etc so spots will open up. If a school has said they aren’t going to their WL, believe them. But there are other schools that will be very receptive to a late application.

@CrackersCrayons - I have applied at Stanford OHS round 2 and waitlisted. I understand that your daughter got off the WL and admitted in 2019. I am very happy for her. I am planning on writing a letter to the admissions department Can you please me with tips and also the chances of getting off the WL. I have applied for 2/3 course option.

From my sources at Deerfield administration, it sounds like they are well over-enrolled for the fall and it would take a significant summer ‘melt’ for anything to open up. Sorry to have bad news.

Thanks @Ryckmann1334452. Just curious is there any relationship between Stanford OHS and Deerfield administration? or it’s more of a general trend this year?

Personally, I don’t think there is too high of a chance to get off a waitlist, because it all depends on the amount of students who got accepted who decided to enroll.

Did anyone hear about the Andover WL?

@saddoughnut27 I emailed them and they replied that they aren’t anticipating any movement- basically their full