The Wait List

@kingkaps I think it might just be a recent trend. As far as I know, there isn’t any direct connection between the administrations of DA and Stanford OHS…but I do know a few kids while I was there who came to Deerfield after a year or two of Stanford OHS.

We confirmed today that a girl we met during the process and whose family we have kept in touch with was admitted to Andover off their wait list - believe it was just after she had chosen to accept at Choate and then had to surrender the deposit. Not sure of her stats etc but she seemed bright and very personable and for what it is worth she is not from a traditional geography and is from an under-represented ethnic background. Hard to gauge how people from different cultures act but her father seemed to be implying that he was having discussions at some schools about committing to a substantial financial contribution: perhaps just hot air - my spouse thought the father tried a bit too hard talking about “my ranch, my airplane” etc. He was in the some segment of the oil business so maybe no longer even an option…

@HeadEast Do you know what grade she was applying to?

Has anyone heard from Andover?


For families still looking for next year, I got an email from SSAT (so you may have received it too?) about a virtual fair offered by 6 BS, including Hun, Putney and Cushing on Wednesday May 13. I hope the link works – thought I would share.

@PhotographerMom Are you familiar with Portsmouth Abbey? Could you message me if you could provide some experience you know about the school? Thank you!

Calling @london203. Her kiddo attended (in college now).

Anecdotal mostly, but a piece today in The Boston Globe talks about the changed dynamic of the wait list owed to Covid.

Folks - any chance of waitlist movement in Andover, Exeter etc. at this point ? thanks

@FUIVYP I think there’s more of a chance this year than usual, but that may still be a very, very, very low number of kids…

I suspect it’ll have a bigger impact on colleges where a gap year isn’t unusual. Kids will still attend, just a year later.

There will no doubt be kids who choose something local over BS, especially when payments come due, but it feels like this is a different decision. You’re changing your destination, not simply your departure date.

but if some accepted kids take a gap year and not attend this year…would’nt schools take other waitlisted kids that are willing to attend this year.

There seems to be variability in final decision dates because of this crisis. Check to see when your school’s tuition payment is due (even partial). I would keep in touch with the school - I do think there will be some overseas kids who do not return or who will decide to wait.

@FUIVYP , this is a boarding school forum. Gap years aren’t an option like they are in college.

I just thought I should share this with anyone still hoping to attend boarding school. I was waitlisted to many schools.

My mom and I found an opportunity to apply to schools with rolling admission still looking for students and got into a couple including Mercersburg and Pomfret.

Best of luck to all of you!

Congratulations @Emjiang116 ! Way to persevere and work a Plan B! Those are great schools!

Congrats @Emjiang116 so glad you were able to find great schools for you!!!

Have you guys heard anything about the Andover waitlist?

@saddoughnut27 they just pushed out their commitment date to later in July (the 28th iirc) so it’s possible there will be some movement right after that.

If you’re still intent on attending PA, make sure your AO knows about it.