The Wait List

PhotographerMom, thanks for the great WL advice!

My son is on the wait list at Pomfret, St George’s, NMH and Frederick Gunn (Gunnery).

He was accepted to a day school but really wanted boarding. We have till A8 to accept that spot.

Gunn was the only school who specified Financial Aid waitlist, but from conversations with his current school’s secondary school placement office, we know FA was a factor for all the schools.

Any specific advice for me? I feel so bad for my son who had to go to school with this news and his classmates all seem to have happier news (mostly FO families). Thank you!

I drafted an email, please lmk what i should fix!!

“I am so thankful that Deerfield has even considered my application on put me on the waitlist as a result! I would like to confirm my position on the waitlist. I would gladly attend Deerfield if offered a position as it is my favourite…”

I’m not done yet but if any one has suggestions feel free!

Also, should I schedule a meeting with the DOA? (they didn’t offer but I saw someone else ask about it)

Just be your usual upbeat self, relax and have fun - especially since you have an ( amazing ) acceptance already in hand. If there’s an opportunity at the end of the conversation, and Putney is your FC, ask the DOA if there’s a specific date that you or your parent can call for a final WL status update . It’s not uncommon or inappropriate to ask because you have to act on another acceptance before a deadline - they get it. Sometimes this simple- matter of fact inquiry can also light a fire under their backside and there’s a good chance you’ll have a yes or no answer on your WL sooner rather than later. Good luck!!

Delete the first sentence.

Open with the second sentence so there is no ambiguity that you are confirming that you wish to be considered, should there be an opening.

Feel free to thank them after that, but resist the temptation to go overboard. If there is a specific reason why Deerfield is your “favorite”, it might be reasonable to mention it, particularly if there is something about you that you can point out.

Your goal for this week is to confirm that you are on the waitlist and not get dropped off it. There will be no movement this week.


incredible advice throughout from @PhotographerMom - so far we are 4 WL, 4 accept, I so appreciate focusing on “love the school that loves you.” if we did not want each of those schools, why did we apply? Only Groton left to hear.


@mondaydevil Am I recalling correctly, that Westover offered FA, but half of your family’s estimated need?

Yes, but I asked my parents and they said they could actually afford it so it ended up working out!


I’ve improved it:

I would like to confirm my position on the waitlist. If offered a position, I would gladly attend Deerfield! There are so many things to love about Deerfield but I particularly love the architecture of the pool. I hope to attend swim practice there one day as a student. It was lovely connection with you, Thanks again!

Should i include something about their academics? Or is this a good draft so far?

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My heart really goes out to you and I’m so sorry for the late response- I haven’t been here since August and this new site is quite the thing :flushed:- plus I’m really, really rusty.

If you have a SS Placement office ( SSPO ), I would definitely strategize with them about your current WL schools ( especially Gunnery ) and I would ask them to help brainstorm a possible Plan B list ASAP.

Also - if you’re a control freak ( like me!! ) who must take immediate action for something this important - ask them if they’re comfortable with you working on other schools independently ( while keeping them in the loop so you don’t step on each other- like too many cooks ). In other words- come up with a solid mutually agreed upon new placement strategy ( like today! ) so you can move forward while you wait for the WLs shakeout.

If they’re okay with you going off on your own and you have their blessing - follow the Plan B- Rolling Admissions advice above - but don’t let them ( SSPO ) off the hook either - they should be trying to move mountains for you right now with all the WL schools and possible new PM10 schools .

You can also come up with a post M10 list on your own ( that you and your son like online because school websites are the only option for you right now ) and have your SSPO make the calls and expedite all the new Hail Mary apps- again ASAP .

It’s not easy , but its always possible to get post apocalypse M10 placement with FA.

Hope that helps. All the best and Good luck!!

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I think that is long enough.

I would let the first sentence stand alone, and have the rest in a separate paragraph.

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I’d like to add a story. My oldest is now a Junior. A couple of years ago kiddo got a waitlist on 3/10. Couldn’t understand why ( top stats, sports, music etc). Eventually, spoke to the AO. Not enough spots. Kid REALLY wanted to go to that school. But decided that since that was not an option to chose from REAL options. It was hard as a parent to watch this. But it was part of life. You are not always going to get what you want even if you have really put it all out there.
In the end, kid attended another school. It has worked out GREAT. Kid has done multiple varsity sports, lots of other activities, been very successful in the academic dept, has won several awards and is happy. Looking back kid knows that the first school really wasn’t a fit. It wasn’t the place where they could grow and thrive. That other school is and was a great school but it probably wasn’t the best fit.

Kid is academically, socially and emotionally prepared for college, has gotten through Covid with support from faculty and friends. It has been a GREAT experience. So taking a different path still lead to the whole package.

If you have an option available, be thankful. BS offer a great experience. Just like college, there are many paths to success. Good luck to all.


Also, consider that all of these schools have a lot of experience knowing which types of kids will thrive in their communities. Their decisions reflect this, so consider that WL or denial a favor to you so you can move on cleanly to other, better (for you), options.


If i lose some of my fiancial need(around 10k a year) ,is there a chance I could get off the waitlist?

Edited to respond to your edit: It is fine to notify the school of the change in need, but it still leaves your application in the FA pile waiting on funds and an opening for an applicant of your profile.

Good luck!

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Thank you !

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we are too. 3 accepted and 4 wait listed–you are not alone. Choate had 3000 applicants. Crazy.

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yep. i consider myself lucky to be waitlisted at choate!


I think you had a good result, lilyesh. Congratulations!

thank you! and congrats to amerikid!!!


My daughter got into her #1 choice, but was waitlisted for Financial Aid. She is a legacy (both my father and I attended), so I’m guessing that is why they did it this way instead of a straight waitlist.

They gave her these options: Enroll as a full-pay student and reapply for financial aid next year or continue to wait until funds become available, of which there is no guarantee.

What are the chances of money actually coming to her off the financial aid waitlist? Any tips that you could recommend we could say to the school when we email them or talk to them? We can’t afford full price at all.