The Wait List

Just wanted to share our DD experience in the 2016/2017 admission cycle. DD applied to 7 competitive top BS and was waitlisted at all of them. She waited and did not hear back positive news post April. We were resigned to send her to a local public school. Late July she heard from her top choice, and we gladly accepted the spot.

I would just like to say: please do not give up hope.


I hear you. IMO, best thing would be to send a rejection to all instead and if something opens up call a kid that fits.
Tough for kids to wait and wait.

Does anyone know Exeter’s projected yield this year or if they will ever tell?

This year is hard to predict especially. Someone said 100% of all people who they saw got into Exeter are most likely attending. Yield rate on a normal year is about 5-10% lower than Andover’s, which is normally 79%. However in 2019 Exeter’s newspaper reported a 79.5% yield rate. This was the highest, and I think they might have over enrolled. Very well might be the same this year.

My guess is the yield of the top schools will likely rise this year, but the second tier or lower may fall a bit. The reason is more people go for reach schools and some may get in. Yield on these people will be higher than normal applicants at top schools. The same people will decline offers from the second tier schools.

Makes sense to me. Doesn’t seem like a good year for waitlist for me :confused:

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Hello, all. Can anyone tell me whether Blair Academy and Episcopal High School typically admit kids off the waitlists? I know applications are way up this year and am just trying to assess the situation. Thanks for any information you can provide. Have a great weekend.

M10 2020 does not bring back good memories. 4 WL & 1 rejection (naively applied to just 5). We were devastated and asked to remain on all 4 waitlists.

Then we received some life-changing advice from someone on this board which was to write a First Choice letter to the school that was our first choice and state categorically why it was our first choice and that we would accept immediately if offered a spot.

DD sent a heartfelt email, a few days later she (not us) got a call from the Head of Admissions, after the call we got a call and she was offered a spot with generous FA. All this happened less than a week after M10. We promptly sent in a deposit and came off the other WLs.

If you have a first choice school I don’t think it hurts to craft a first choice email to the school. It worked for us.

M10 is not for the faint of heart.

Good luck to all.


Congratulations! This is fantastic.

Just curious, do you think the first choice email is the deciding factor? Did HoA mention it?

How should the WL email to a first choice school look like? Can someone provide an example, or any sort of idea of what to include?

what an amazing story!!!

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Woah that’s great! Congrats to your DD last year!!

Look upthread to March 2020.

Which school?

Not Exeter.

I just noticed that Brooks has a line in their waitlist letter that says “Also, please inform us of the schools to which you have been admitted and of any deadlines you have with them.” Do you think they need to know the exact names of the schools? Or would the deadline be enough?

i think if it specifies to name the schools, which it seems it does, then do so if you want to remain on the waiting list.

Include the name of the schools and the dates.

My mom was going to forward my email to the admission officer (no reply after I sent to the AO) and add her comment such as family also thinks the school is best fit for me and ready to pay tuition right away upon acceptance etc. Would that help or hurt? Thanks!

And one more question, I read some old threads that after A10, you would need to pay the deposits to stay on the WL? Is that true?