The Wait List

No. They usually just contact you if you got in. At some point, they may ask if you’d like to remain on the WL over the summer (more common for colleges than BS). They may let you know that there will be no more WL activity. But don’tthink of it as another admissions round with decision notifications. .

Ok thanks!

I would advise your mother not to do that. It would either do nothing or hurt. No chance it would help.

i got waitlisted at lawrenceville and milton but accepted to middlesex and loomis, should i wait out on lville and milton or enroll to one of the two?

@anon12737776 , you need to decide between the two that accepted you and enroll at one of them before the deadline. Most WL activity takes place after the enrollment deadline because that’s when schools know if they are underenrolled and who they need to balance out the class.

Should you be asked to confirm your place on the WL at the other two, and if you think you would choose them over your current choice, confirm. Then put them out of your mind!

If you are offered a place off the WL, you can decide then if you want that or the school where you have enrolled. (If you get into L’ville in May and decide to go, MX will now be looking at its WL to fill your spot. This is why WL activity happens in dribs and drabs over an extended period.)

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Not often. Also chances vary if you are a day/boarder or depending on the grade you are applying for.

Love one of the schools that love you - you have 2 excellent schools that love you.

With the pandemic and travel restrictions, all prior models are kind of useless in predicting. No school wants to get caught with empty spaces and turning away fully paying U.S students.

The dynamics are going to be interesting.


This is more of a general question in avoiding the waitlist.

From what I have gathered it sounds like most schools first do the rejections based on academics. After this they take the remaining pool and fill their buckets, mostly athletic needs and balancing of genders etc. Does this suggest it will be difficult for a non athletic student to be accepted to the more sought after schools no matter their academic achievements? It also sounds like fine arts talents such as singing and common musical instruments such as piano or violin will not do much to aid in your push for a ‘bucket’?

No more so than the athlete in an overrepresented sport.

They will likely have their pick of pianists and violinists, but the oboist may be in short supply.

Make no mistake, it will be difficult for anyone to get off the wait list.

I was waitlisted by Andover and plan on writing them an email to inform them of my continued interest. Who should I address the email to?

It depends on where you are applying.

Are yields calculated for M10 decisions only or do they include decisions after April, May, etc?

I believe it’s March only because they have no control over that. After A10 they have total control so they no longer need to worry about yield.

No. I was a good applicant and got rejected at Milton.

Director of Admissions.

are you applying as a freshman?

I feel like my milton waitlist may have been a soft rejection because I’m a legacy but there’s really no way to know.

Sophmore, but I am going to email them saying I am willing to repeat 9th. There are just too few spots for 10th.

Do wl decisions come out only after A10? Will the schools call or email before that?