The Wait List

I’m not sure what you mean by “template.” Usually, coming off a WL is a phone call with a very short decision window, often just 24 hours

Or, do you mean examples of e-mails successful applicants sent to schools saying they wish to remain on the WL? Other than conveying to a school that it is your first choice, those e-mails are not the reason anyone is taken off a WL. Examples of those e-mails have been posted above:

Dear AO:

I’m writing to say that I wish to remain on (yourschoolhere)'s WL and, if offered a spot, I would accept immediately.

Thank you for all the consideration you’ve shown my application,

There’s nothing more to say.

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Which is a template for those who have been successful and unsuccessful. There is no magical template.

Yes. Last year, our son was waitlisted to both Middlesex and Brooks. Middlesex sent several emails during the time from M10 to April 10, basically just checking to see if he wanted to remain on the WL. On April 8th or 9th, they sent an email saying that they were fully enrolled. Compare to Brooks, who sent nothing. We just assumed when April 10th came and went and we had heard nothing, that they were also fully enrolled. But there was no communication. I did come back and update CC. Good luck!

Hi I am new here. I am an 8th grader. I have applied to enter for the 9th grade, but have been waitlisted by 7 schools and currently have no acceptance offer. I took the March SAT right after M10 and, to my surprise, received a great score today for a middle schooler (1500 combined). Although I do not think the schools care much about scores at this stage (I have already submitted SSAT and ISEE scores and I know SAT is not even required), do you think I should send this to them? Any advice would be greately appreciated. I really wish I could go to at least one place this fall. Thank you so much.

I don’t think it’s necessary. They waitlisted you because you were qualified but they are trying to form a class. i’m just a kid but from what i’ve seen on this forum this is what stands to be true. waitlists are for the sole purpose of the school’s comfort.


Agree with what @lilyesh wrote, but 1500 for an 8th grader is a killer score! Is that score different from the ssat? If you didn’t submit an SSAT score, or if ypur SSAT was lower then I would definitely submit, on the theory that it can’t hurt and might help.

But if your ssat was already in the 99th percentile, this new score isn’t giving them information they already have-- they already know you are smart and a good test taker. The test itself isn’t the thing that will push the AO, that would be something like needing a 9th grade boy day student.

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Thank you so much for your compliments and kind suggestion. I am afraid the score does not add much to my profile - my SSAT and ISEE are already in the top range. What I would like to know would be if sending the score would have a negative impact rather than no impact, such as looking like an overachiever or bothering them with irrelevant information. Since I have no offer, I feel I should do anything as long as it does no harm. Again, thank you so much.

That is a great score. Perfectly fine to send. SAT is a totally different test with a different meaning. It is above the mean for a lot of seniors.

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I have no special knowledge but I think passing along your score is sharing substantive information, i.e. it isn’t bothering the AO with something trivial. If you were my child I would have you send the score. In any case I strongly believe it wouldn’t hurt you.


Thank you so much for your advice. I truly appreciate.

I would send the scores with a short note. It is new information and perfectly valid to send. You want to avoid writing multiple letters with nothing new to report but the schools encourage you to update them with any meaningful news and I think this counts. Keep the note brief and be sure to include a sentence that reiterates how much you still want to attend XYZ. I would also have a parent call and let your admissions contacts know that you have all waitlists and will accept a spot if offered. Schools tend to offer wait list spots first to the students they know will commit.


has anyone got any waitlist emails from choate, loomis, hotchkiss, or lawrenceville?

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None from Hotchkiss or choate for me

Don’t you have to wait until A10, at least?

What kind of emails are you expecting?

i don’t know, my mom said she got an email from choate that they were going to start updating us

For those on Wl and who play sports. If you haven’t already: it is not a bad idea to email the coach to reaffirm your interest should an opening come up. This should be in conjunction with an email to the admissions office.

This may not get you in but, increases your chances should an opening come up in your “niche”. You have nothing to lose.

What do you mean? Should I just contact them telling them I will continue my sport and am interested?

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My mom also received an email, but it was just about what the waitlist is usually like, and answering usual questions people on the waitlist have. was that was your mom got too?
