The Wait List

This is an important lesson to learn early in life.

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If I’ve only received WLs at my schools, should I let AO at top choice(s) know this?

So I was just on YouTube and I stumbled upon a video on how college waitlists are gonna be super long this year. They talk about how there are more applications to schools, but generally the same amount of people as previous years. Meaning students are applying for more schools, but there aren’t much more students. They state that this might cause yield at certain schools to skyrocket, but most even at top schools to drop drastically. They said this year is most likely going to follow that trend, with a slight increase in yield, because of the pandemic coming to an end. With students applying to a wider range of schools, if one student accepts an acceptance from a different school than they committed to already, it causes a sort of “domino effect” making the schools who is short one or more students go to their waitlist, and it goes on. I thought this probably was the same for those applying to BS. Probably won’t be the case for pa or pea but I think for most others. I may be entirely wrong, feel free to correct me. I just thought I’d pass this information onto those on the waitlist.

I said it before. Top schools may see yield higher but the lower tier the school, the lower yield this year compared with past years due to people going for schools they normally wouldn’t. Test optional is a big reason.

Students applying to more schools will expand the waitlists but it does not change much if it is the same number of kids. What it means is the waitlist numbers are overstated this year.

Remember the amount of top tier students doesn’t really change.

This year is different than any other year and a ton of uncertainty. Best example is the international pool. I think there will be more in that group who may back out than ever before. It is easy to apply, the hard part is the commitment.

As a Canadian, I know the Canadian preps are seeing an overwhelming demand from students who normally would have gone to U.S. schools
meaning Canadians deciding not to leave Canada.


Someone’s probably answered this before, but who should I email my letter of continued interest to? Eg. For Andover, should I send it to the head of admissions, my applicant pool’s admissions advisor, or just the

You should email it directly to the admissions department. However you should cc your interviewer, and maybe head of arts,stem, athletic, or various other head of departments if you included interest in one of those categories. I made the mistake of not cc the arts department for my LOCI, but you should reach out to multiple people, so come the chance they use the waitlist, more can vouch for you. This is what my counselor told me to do. Good luck!

Oh and more thing—you MUST include your applicant ID for that school. I didn’t do this, so my additional info went to the wrong file, and I had to email this morning.

i want to take myself off waitlists and love the school that loves me
but my parents want me to stay on waitlists. what should i do?

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Decline accepted schools. Love Hill. Put the rest out of your mind. It is highly unlikely you will hear from another school a d if you do, review the offer if you wish.

thanks! i’m going to talk to my parents about taking me off the waitlists. Love the school that loves you!


I would suggest staying on one school waitlist if it was your previous top choice. If none were a school you loved deeply,decline waitlists and relieve the worry and stress of it. love the school that loves you as you said! :slightly_smiling_face:


At first, Hotchkiss was my top choice. But learning more about Hill makes me think that it’s a much better fit.

I was waitlisted at Hotchkiss, Choate, Loomis, and Lawrenceville.


If you see Hill as the best fit for you, even factoring in the WL schools, just leave the WL. Only leave if you are sure Hill is the best fit for you though.


I think it is, fit wise and also their values align with my family’s.


I’m an international student applying FP to Choate. I first scored 130 on the Duolingo English Test, but a poor 100 on the Toefl (21 on writing). I unfortunately wrote a weak short essay, which I didn’t know how worthy it was. Should I send a new essay, but about the other topic option?
Also, we called the Senior Associate Director of Admission and Director of Multicultural Recruitment, and she said “uhmm
 we really want another Brazilian student
Last week, I took the Duolingo again and scored 135, and sent it to Choate. I also went to Choate’s 5-week summer program back in 2019, now I’m applying as a junior, surely the only one with the summer experience: Does that play a role in my application? Should I expect openings on the junior year?

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^^ No, you should not “expect” openings. You might get lucky, though, and have done what you can to make sure they see you in the best light. Don’t write a new essay. But do communicate in writing that you would come if admitted if that is true.

Summer programs are money makers for the school, not a path to admission.

I was scheduling a call with Putney (my first choice) to discuss my spot on the waitlist, but the AD just got back to me a few days ago. I want to commit to Westover and don’t think it would be worth the effort to call him anymore (since it feels so unlikely that I would even get enough FA + I already love Westover), but I’m not sure. What should I do?

Might as well do it!

If you love Westover, commit! they chose you! and gave you a ton of fa!