The Wait List

Yes. I wish all schools communicated this way. It’s considerate and helpful.

I sent brief emails on Sunday/Monday to favorite WLs with new info and a reiteration of my interest (I hadn’t sent anything in over 3 weeks). I received responses from those I contacted.

This may not mean anything other than a child on average applying to twice as many schools. Not requiing SSAT’s opened up the door dramatically. Less work involved to apply.

What did the Choate email say?

This is my hunch as well. I think the yields will be lower than any other year. I know families who are stil scared about paying a fortune and getting stuck in a distance learning.

There may also be families seeing public schools reopening now feel less need to go spend $$$$ on private school or BS

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm for Choate. With under a week to go to our April 10th enrollment notification date, we are closely monitoring our enrollment and remain committed to the possibility of making some offers of admission to waitlisted students in the coming days.

Thank you for sending us your updates and materials. While we have not been as responsive as we would have liked to your inquiries and communications during this busy time, please know that we have received and are reviewing your materials, and there is no need to send any additional correspondence. If we have the opportunity to make additional offers of admission, we will be in direct contact with those waitlisted students.

If you are under an April 10th enrollment notification deadline elsewhere and do not hear from us by then, please be sure you do not miss out on other promising educational opportunities. We will update you on the status of your candidacy periodically over the next few weeks.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to submit your Waitlist Reply Form to indicate whether you intend to remain on the waitlist. Should you wish to change your responses on this form after submitting it, kindly reply to this email so that we can edit your response and remove you from future correspondence should you so choose.

Again, thank you for your continued interest in Choate and for your patience at this time.

Thanks for sharing.

I probably shouldn’t then? Because I just contacted them a week ago. Oh well we’ll see what happens.

Thank you for sharing the Taft message. My son is on the WL for Taft and did not get that courtesy - no communication. It’s fine, all part of the many lessons in this process that will help him throughout his life. He has appropriately moved on and is very happy and is not counting on calls from his WL schools. One school shared that their yield so far is much higher than anticipated and higher than other years so I am not sure we can accurately predict anything about this year (higher yield may only be true for this one school). Congrats to all who have accepted offers and sending the best of luck to all those hoping to be called from WL!!

Could you share what school had a higher yield?

Are you responding to me? I shared one from Choate, not Taft. I’ve not heard a peep from Taft, which among 6 WLs I’m on. I appreciate Choate’s communications with WL kids. It’s been thoughtful. Good luck!

Not saying that. It depends on what you’ve done/emailed in the past few weeks. I planned my communications ahead of time and saved all academic updates etc. for Monday. I did not reiterate anything other than ‘I still love your school’. Good luck!

Ah I get it. Thank you and best of luck!

HI - sorry, I’m new to this site so may not be posting correctly. My son received the same communication from Choate that you posted and I agree, it was very thoughtfully written. I was referring to BrimStone’s post regarding an email from Taft. My son has not had any communication from Taft.

I wasn’t waitlisted at Taft but I know someone who was and they received notice that they will not be going to their waitlist. Since not everyone got this message, I am assuming it was only for a certain applicant pool but this is second hand information.

I had first felt similarly, but I do not think so anymore.

  1. Schools accepted a few more people per class considering yield would suffer.
  2. Students do not have more than one option, in most instances - so they are accepting.
  3. COVID changed admissions and it is still too soon for people to forget their lousy public school experiences, in some cases.

I know you probably know all this, so sorry if super obvious on your end.

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Do schools email you or call you in the case you get off waitlists? I’d like to know because i tend to get missed calls on my phone, and a heads up if I should pay more attention to it.

It’s usually a call I think

Ok thanks. I got a call from Andover MA today and I freaked lol. ( called back, only an advertisement)