The Wait List

No WL email from Deerfield.

Math is not my forte, but if Exeter’s applications went up 23% and their acceptances went from about 15% to 10%, it seems to me they accepted a significant number less this year in an effort to preserve their yield.

Which would mean yes, they are likely hitting the waitlist this year. How much and which of the 5 classes? Who knows

Deerfield said on a Zoom that acceptance rate this year was 13.8%, which seems similar to past years. And they had about 2,200 applicants. So of those 300 accepted, the acceptance letter said something about there being 200 new students. I don’t know their typical yield rate, but they had about 200 more applicants this year and accepted the same percentage, then it seems unlikely they’ll be going to the waitlist.

choate had 3100 applications, with a 12% acceptance rate. that means they accepted around 372. i’m not sure if that’s lower or higher than previous amounts they accepted.

To all of you nervously anticipating getting off the WL: Today my mom got an email that one of the schools that had WLed me was offering me admission with huge FA! Do not give up hope!! However, I am commiting to the school that accepted me on M10, and honestly, you should too! Go to the school that actually really wants you. Trust me, you will feel so much better that way.


What school? And huge congratulations!!

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That is quite large! Their yield rate is 66% meaning that around 245 will say yes. I checked their website and their average freshman class is only 175. Now I know some of those 245 will be sophomores juniors seniors or pre grads, but that still seems like a large amount.

Update: I looked into it further, forget what I said above! Their 2018 enrollment was 267. 245 is way below that. This year they admitted less

Only if you email your admission officer to see if any movement— was told nothing moving. Especially important since contract due 4/10

Email groups likely include parents as well
so in many case 2-3 email addresses relate to one student.

I would not go by that. A significant number of acceptances will take place on the 8th and 9th or as close to the last minute as possible for some.

Everyone has to sit tight and the only thing that counts is formal emails from the school.

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The key variable missing is how many say yes and accept the offer. Acceptance is from the school perspective and not the students.

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what school and congrats!

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Correct. I tend to believe that will be lower than expected as I think do you as well.

I just read Exeter’s waiting list FAQ from my interviewer, and they say they don’t look at wait listed students until after A10 confirmation. Wouldn’t they need a long time to sort through so many wait lists? That should take until late April early may or later. I’m just curious, when is the absolute most possible they contact wait list kids to take them off? Probably not A11 right?

If they are, typically it begins mid-April up until beginning of June.

Yeah I’d assume so. Thanks!

They have subsections to be able to identify profiles that are missing. ( information i’ve gotten from this whole website lol)

For example
A ninth grade girl who is boarding said no and now they’re under enrolled.They go to 9th grade girls boarding . So they aren’t reading the whole list.
This article is obviously very old so I wouldn’t use the numbers now and compare it but this states that they do subsections and peer schools could do the same .

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The email group is specifically for new students, named as such.

That’s correct. Each last name (with exception of very common ones) is entered only once, which makes me believe that parents are not on that list. Thinking further, Exeter AOs mentioned at one of the Zoom sessions that there will be about 200 incoming students in 9th grade and 100 in 10th grade. I assume there is some non-zero but likely small number of incoming students in 11 and 12th grades. So, approximately, there are total 300 incoming students this year. If this is true, and assuming that 280 students already committed, there are only 20 spots left. I anticipate that some of the accepted students haven’t committed yet and will take some (or all) of the remaining spots before A10, which makes chances for WL candidates pretty slim, unfortunately.

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PEA usually has about 340 incoming, give or take a couple.

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The 340 number makes sense. You usually have in GRade 11 or 12 the elites for sports who come in. I know hockey always has 2-3 coming in for those years. Plus kids leave. Historically,high schools lose about 3-5 kids per year for whatever reason.