The Wait List

Has anyone heard from Hotchkiss regarding their wait list?

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Thank you. Would you mind sharing your source?

Nope not heard anything official from them. If anyone did it was probably them reaching out for a response.

Iā€™ve been meaning to ask but I keep forgetting to, When I was filling out Hotchkissā€™s waitlist reply form, one of the questions was whether or not Hotchkiss was my number one choice: yes or no. I put no, only because I did not want to lie to them, and I already sent my top choice a LOCI clearly stating they were my top choice. I was worried they would find out somehow, so I thought it was best not to lie. I also feel as if that kinda automatically took me off any chance of consideration for the waitlist, even though I am on the waitlist if that makes sense. Am I technically no longer considered there? If I had put yes, would other schools find out?

Those numbers donā€™t make sense. If there are 200 incoming 9th graders, and 100 incoming 10th graders, that would indicate that they are increasing the initial class size by 50%. That seems very high. Is it really that many new students for 10th grade?

i know that rate exists at Lville. they get 1/3 of their class in 10th grade. not sure abt exeter

I think that having 100 incoming sophomores might be over. If there really are 200 incoming freshman and 100 sophomores, and assuming the rate goes even less for juniors then itā€™s maybe around 25-35. Then maybe another 20 students senior year, as we all know it gets harder to get in for higher grades. The student body would then be 200+300+340(ish)+360(ish). The pattern is as goes, new students each year. That would total around 1200 students at a time. Exeter only has around 1070. I think the numbers are a little high, and adding 100 to a class of 200 is a bit extreme. Adding maybe 50-60 sophomores seems more plausible. Then itā€™s 200+260+290+310=1060. It is only a rough guess, but that is what I believe to be the case.

Regarding the WL and movement, I know that 4/10 is when deposits are due. When is the next date of interestā€¦ meaning the date where contracts are binding and you are on the hook for full tuition? At least in our local private school world, there is usually some WL movement right before June 1 when contracts are binding (deposits were due end of March).

I am a kid but

It depends on the school. I believe you usually start paying the tuition in June or July. Not sure about FULL tuition, as aforementioned, it depends on the school. Sometimes, you can find the date for your school on their website, but I think itā€™s safer to check with the school. If not, again, you can probably contact the school and ask.

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Apparently especially hard this year for 10th grade applicants as schools anticipated a lot of COVID attrition that did not happen, along with the overall increase in applications.

I was told for Milton that this year would actually be easier for 10th grades different for every school though.

Depends school but they want a full commitment on the 10th. Between April 10 and June 30, circumstances can change for some and there will be backing out. I suspect this is more likely on the international side.

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Thank you. I canā€™t really check with the schools because DS was WL everywhere and itā€™s a bit presumptuous to go to admissions with the question.

Makes sense. So many unknowns this year. Tough time for so many deserving students. We are hopeful that DS as a strong student with wide appeal may sneak in and snag a spot even if itā€™s in another category. Trying to keep hope alive but already planning for next year. Thanks!

My son is on 3 WL in the US and 3 in Canada. It is a crazy here. He does have a plan B in worse case lined up. It is a very strange year and tons of uncertainty. None of his peer group got accepted in the US, not one single one. Normally, there are 3-4 from his school.

At Loomis 6/1 is the last date to change your mind before tuition is due.


Received one just now from Taft. Since I have not heard the same from Deerfield, Hotchkiss or Lawrenceville I will continue to dream the dream.

Good luck everyone!

Received one what? Email or offer?

Sorry. Thought I responded to above poster from yesterday. Recā€™d the Taft email stating they will not be going to WL before 4/10.

Yep, you did. My bad.