The Wait List

Congrats. That is unusual because PEA did not expect to go to waitlist until after A10 and stated so in their letter on M10.

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I agree, this is VERY unusual. I heard from my pal with the knowledge a few days ago that the enrollment numbers looked very strong, so they definitely wanted to wait until after A10 to decide on the waitlist. Anyone else on WL got a call from PEA?

This is an international applicant. Probably a separate pool from domestic students.


I did not receive a call sadly. I tried contacting them asking if they think my chances, and they said they arenā€™t taking questions about waitlist candidates.

Got a response. The student with the offer is definitely very lucky. Email tells me they will wait until after A10 to even give a formal consider to most on the waitlist. They are very lucky

I also would imagine it is a ā€œnicheā€ spot where they know they have a shortfall.

You really canā€™t and shouldnā€™t read too much into anything. The deadline has not passed and if they called anyone off the WL it is due to a very specific need/shortfall.


International students are in a completely different pool and iā€™m pretty sure each school has a specific amount on international they want to admit.Iā€™m glad that they were admitted! Would be a great fit.

Due to COVID I think they might have had a short fall of international students, so they called in an international wait list

I donā€™t know if anyone here applied, but I just got an email that BUA is no longer accepting people off the waitlist. :frowning:

I was replying in regards to njscholor1129 on a different question unrelated to yours. Nonetheless, on a side note, congrats on getting accepted to your top choice!

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Agreed, with the relaxation of border entries due to vaccine roll-out, international students will slightly have a bit more chance for WL, at least so it seems.

I think less internationals were accepted on M10 than usual. My son is in that pool and no one in his ā€œpeer groupā€ got accepted anywhereā€¦they all at best got waitlisted. All have the marks and play high level sports. The schools cannot take the chance of getting caught short of students in June and internationals are the highest risk.


yeah that made sense for M10 because vaccine wasnā€™t in full speed. And now with vaccines in full speed, WL will favor more international students as borders open as they need to fill that holes as other pointed out.

Sorry to hear that. Trudeau and Ford continue to handle the situation terribly. At least Toronto has some good private day schools. I was in private there until a couple of years ago. Good luck!

Is he indeed international? I thought he spoke about SoCal and being a first-generation English immigrant.

They did mention Socal ,so maybe they arenā€™t international ,would probably have to ask.

He talked about ā€œUS boarding schools ā€œ, so I assume heā€™s in the international pool. I have asked him to clarify here.

I believe they offer based on spots opening up, so probably spread out.

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Yep, domestic, moved to America when I was 9.

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Domestic. I grew up in London and moved to America in 4th grade. The original plan was for me to go to Eton, Rugby or Wellington, so I still refer to HADES as ā€œUS Boarding Schools.ā€ Sorry if I caused any confusion.