The Wait List

Domestic, from England, moved about 5 years ago.

Very lucky indeed, it is only a verbal offer so far, this morning we plan to enroll.
NOTE:It’s 7 AM here, I’m in the Pacific time zone.

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Congrats! So happy for you !

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I have English friends who applied to HADES, and they all deserved to get in too, it might also have something to do with the exponential rise in applicants.

My son’s friends all gave up on the US schools and declined to go on waitlists. They took offers in Canada (actually were stuck because they applied early and were given deadlines BEFORE A10). My son applied later in Canada (it is more rolling) and stayed on the WL. All of my son’s friends have great credentials and for not one to have received a M10 offer speaks volumes.

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Big News! Deerfield called and offered me a place too. I think that there is a lot of movement on the waitlists right now! Stay close to your phones.



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Woke up this morning to an email letting me know I had been offered a spot off the waitlist from my top choice GLADCHEMS school…thank you so much everyone on this cc for the guidance your words gave.


Lightening does strike twice! That’s great, although it seems you have committed. One more spot for others.

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Exactly, I am definitely committed to Exeter.

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What school?

I think schools are trying to catch folks before they pay other schools tomorrow. Today might be an exciting day.


Welcome to Exeter!

Congrats that’s so exciting! Did you accept?

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Deerfield admitted me as well.

I agree.


I accepted Exeter, meaning Deerfield still has at least one spot.

good to know :sweat_smile: if you dont mind me asking, who are you as a student? like gender, grade of application, etc. I got into exeter as well and wled at deerfield but i would really love going there

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Here’s a breakdown-
Male,Applying for 9th, Straight A+, I play baseball in the Chicago cubs organization and football and basketball on a travel level, I play guitar, I am on yearbook staff and I volunteer at a local program that helps young kids with disabilities play baseball. Also I am English-Irish and I reside in Southern California. Congrats on Exeter! Maybe we’ll be classmates. Sorry if that’s TMI, I don’t really know what you’re asking so I tried to cover everything :smiley: