The Wait List

That definitely makes sense. So sorry for providing any false hope if it is a sports play. I give my best wishes to everyone else and I hope you get accepted into your first choice!

Got it, thanks for applying.

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Thank you for clarifying, this definitely provides an explanation for why I was accepted off of the WL so early. I really appreciate the feedback!

@skieurope replying*

if you miss the call from a school will they send an email?

I am not sure. I think it might be up to you to call back? Iā€™m also extremely worried about this

That makes sense

Fingers crossed for Exeter but prob wonā€™t get in unless theyā€™re missing a rower or certamen player

@usernameuser98 please to not feel anyone thinks you are less deserving. You earned your spot! Congratulations are definitely in order.

The intention is simply illustrate that one spot given does not equal movement and to clarify how waitlists typically work.

The part left out is that not only one kid needs to walk away, but depending on how ā€œregularā€ they are, several have to. Schools work extremely hard to understand and predict their yield accurately. They adjust for thar and accept accordingly. If a school wants 100 students and their yield is typically 65% they will accept 135 students. This is, of course, more difficult to do with students who really do fill a niche and those are more likely to get a (early) call if someone else filling that same bucket chooses a different school.

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Me too lol. I think you have better chance than me, being a rower and certamen player is definitely unique, and I havenā€™t heard of before! Exeter loves uniqueness. Canā€™t find many others with those interests :slightly_smiling_face: Iā€™m an artist, and Iā€™m sure they already are stock full of them.

Thanks for the first paragraph, I really appreciate it. Baseball is a dying sport, and 1st Baseman is a niche due to the fact that there are at most 3 on one team at a time (usually 1 or 2). I appreciate the clarification, and while I knew about yield, I knew less about the acceptance of students who are talented in a certain field. Have a nice night :smiley:

I hope you get in! It would be fun to know a classmate before school starts. Rowing is a niche, and certamen is even more so a specialized category. What classical language do you speak? Iā€™m a latin guy.


Honestly, if they admit you, they want you. They will most likely. email you, but still reach out and explain the situation!

Same I do Latin but my certamen team really didnā€™t do any major national tournaments till after Jan 15 so I didnā€™t get to add my certamen awards till after the deadline. My team got 3rd at duke 3rd at Princeton and 2nd at Harvard overall in certamen in feb and March


Yeah that makes sense to do. Thanks! Iā€™m just worried because Iā€™m going on a looong flight for spring break this weekend, and Iā€™d hate to lose an admission if offered due to no service

Thatā€™s very impressive. I have never been on a team, but I love latin (student in latin 2 currently) and I am really interested in picking up Ancient Greek.

Tell them that due, but in a way that doesnā€™t feel like pressuring, just informing them that you will be away if they want to reach you. Also, I donā€™t fly much but donā€™t the intercontinental/larger domestic flights offer wifi?

@Yuhh222 too* not due

I am not flying overseas, just to Florida :slightly_smiling_face: I will have to ask if they offer internet, if not then my mom turns off her data when flying, and I gave schools her phone, not mine for some reason

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