The Wait List

It only really matters if you get off the waitlist for another school and forego the deposit. The tuition is the tuition.

I’m assuming it was intended by Hotchkiss to deter kids from potentially jumping over to Exeter or Andover.

St. Mark’s sent a form email last night saying there wasn’t movement yet but allowed an option to stay on the list. My son hasn’t heard anything from several schools he is on the waitlist for, I am hoping that is a good sign? Or I sign that we did something wrong and they didn’t think we wanted to stay on the lists? Has anyone else not heard from schools they are waitlisted at?

I havent heard anything from MX school or Hotchkiss

Nothing yet from Exeter, Hotchkiss or Middlesex.

Exactly ,a bigger commitment to eliminate the risk of losing enrollees.

Has anyone heard from Lawrenceville?

And also Choate? Their note made it seem like the waitlist might move but has anyone actually gotten off of it yet?

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It is probably too early to get off waitlists ( with the rare exception of @usernameuser98 ) I would expect if movement in the next 1-3 days


Ok thank you very much for that info

Do they have a list based on who is best at what like:
If missing foosball player:
Choose: (insert name)
Or do they have to go back and look

I think they go back in the pool category to find the student with closest interests and credentials as the student that lost. Basically they’re looking for an exact replica application. It matters how good they are at it, but everyone on that category should be around the same level. Example with sports


Groton sent an email but might be only to a subset saying WL movement is highly unlikely. It is unclear to what extent this email was received.

No one should expect anything happening for a while.

Depends. If they really need a football player, they will look at eligible football players and pick one.

You misspelled “weeks” or perhaps “months.” With very rare exceptions, any communication over the next couple of days would be too say the wait list is closed or that movement is unlikely.


Ok… I will be the first to disagree here with what people are stating about how the waitlist works.

While it is directionally correct that the waitlist is unranked and selections are made based upon what a school is looking for… Taking this as literally as people seem to be is not accurate.

For example, a coach would not have 2 1b’s on his “want list,” so thinking that the school would replace that accepted candidate with another 1b - please stop.

Sorry! I thought they meant soonest

We still haven’t heard from Groton and a few other schools. In past years I know my older son came off two waitlists, one way before A10 (which we only didn’t take because we would have to commit before revisit day) and one on A10. I was under the impression then that schools wanted their class determined prior to or by the end of the day A10.


What grade?

Recently I have been the 1B in question, glad to hear my admission isn’t the product of one person choosing a different school.

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Right, I have heard the latest you can be admitted is August.