The Wait List

I am only a student posting, but I would think If only a single person is missing,
Unless they had significant credentials and talents the school lost, they would not seek for one spot. I think they generalize it a bit more with sub categories

There was a link to a Deerfield article that states it at the bottom how it works

In that case that they need several people missing, who do they choose to fill in? They canā€™t expect like a single person to make up for the several can they? In that case do they find the person who patches the most holes?

so basically people who arent prodigies of some sort are set at a disadvantage when it comes to the waitlist? i apologize if i interpreted it incorrectly

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Itā€™s after the fact, but itā€™s probably 2 more than should have been sent.

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I am sure it is impossible for one student to make up for multiple, so in that case they will search for multiple yes. I was just giving my personal insight that if only they were short one student from what they expected, they would not. After all classesā€™ sizes are different

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ok thanks for explaining!

I would not take it that harshly. However a big part of the application process is your merit. So they may rank say, football applicants based on how good they are, and what position they want most on the team. I would not say you need to be a prodigy, as those are soo very rare. You are not at a disadvantage or an advantage, it comes down to luck of who they need.

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No problem!

I think I have a pretty slim chance, theyā€™d either need a rower which I assume isnā€™t that many at all or a certamen team which is like 4 people

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Same here. Iā€™m sure they are completely stocked with talented artists. It is quite common to see. Art was the basis of my application and it was clear. Iā€™m positive they donā€™t need any more.

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me tooā€¦ i expect that debate prodigies are not really a thing anyways

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uhh guys. . . problem. When I try to log-in to the Exeter application portal, it says 404 Not Found, do you guys also have this problem?

No I am not. The only thing missing from my portal is my decision letter. I think it may be an internet issue

Please donā€™t panic. I know how it feels, anything and everything feels like a sign. Stay calm and weā€™re here for you :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh phew, it works now!!! But another problem. . . it seems the Kirtland Society (Classics Club that does Certamen and others) doesnā€™t exist anymore. . . itā€™s not on the club list on the website

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I do not know much of what goes on behind the gates at Exeter, but 1. It could be a malfunction again, but if it really was disbanded, 2. This presents a wonderful opportunity, should you be admitted off the waitlist ( fingers crossed!!) for you to start a certamen club of your own! I am sure you would do great leading that club

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Hey good news! I went on their website, and thereā€™s a page dedicated to certamen club!

Link here Kirtland Society | Phillips Exeter Academy

ok thanks! still wondering why it isnā€™t listed on the Clubs List when you go to Campus Activities thoā€¦ weird

Certainly is strange :thinking: