The Wait List

We haven’t heard anything at all from Lawrenceville, either.

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This practice is actually not uncommon in standardized tests, even on the SSAT. Perhaps not taken from academic journals, but the idea is to have as few test-takers as possible already familiar with the material from which the passage is taken. The thinking is that it would confer an unfair advantage to, say, sci-fi nuts if a passage were taken from Dune or whatever.

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We had a poor experience with one admissions person who told us (my wife and I) and son separately that he was a shoo-in. It wasn’t even a FA issue because it never got there. We got radio silence and then my son had to ask what happened and got a cold email rejection with no explanation. The email said “no room” and then two weeks later a schoolmate who applied later (with marks that were no where close) got in! What upset us is we reduced the number of schools we were looking at because of what we were told early…yes, we are naive/rookies.


I haven’t heard anything from Exeter, St. Paul’s, MX, Peddie, Lawrenceville, Loomis, Groton, and Deerfield. Last year I applied and got waitlisted, I heard back from them on April 10th (even if it was just to say there was no movement). Is it just me?

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We haven’t heard from 3 of those or from a few more so you aren’t alone - hopefully no news is good news and there is still hope!

i wrote an email to exeter to change our contact information and there was an auto reply email and in the email it said that they were fully enrolled for fall 2021… is that true?

Did the auto response say:
Fall 2021 Waitlist Candidates

At this time, we are not able to provide an update to those candidates who remain on the waitlist.

or something different? I emailed on April 9 and that’s the auto response I got

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Perhaps reach out to the admission team at a higher level (than the person who promised your family the spot) on this matter. This is not only a WL, but a rejection. This will not help get a spot, but may help psychologically a closure.

That’s what I got too. A little scared rn…

yeah thats what mine said

also, do yall email the admissions office or the director of admissions?

I wrote an email of continued interest on April 8th, and I got a response saying that if a spot becomes available they would contact me directly by phone. But I haven’t heard back since.

Same, very scared, I know there’s like a 0.01% of me getting in but still hopeful

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we’re in the same boat TT

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I emailed admissions office. Someone please confirm if they really are fully enrolled

that’s what their auto reply email said, not sure whether that’s the case or not

Same as yours

Tempted to email them asking if they are fully enrolled but I feel like they’d be annoyed

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Me too

I understand it is important to let no one have special advantage, but my qualm is that many native English speakers might enjoy no more advantage in what was meant to be an English proficiency test for foreign (Korean) students!

(Example) Without further ado, OK, here is an actual Suneung English sentence-completion question that 86% of test takers that year (2014) got wrong. See if you can solve this under the time limit of 50 seconds. Good luck!

(Original article source)