The Wait List

I question whether usernameuser98’s statement was real as I said before. It is just too good to be true. And he never showed any proof when asked by others…I sincerely hope that he got accepted off of the WL but to be honest my BS radar is off the chart.


I am a little skeptical as well. I sincerely do hope he is going for real, but him and the other student never specified proof. The other student only said GLADCHEMMS but never specified which. Almost all of those schools have reached out to me saying waitlists closed, I don’t know about others because I didn’t apply. Both also said it before A10 so idk… to me it’s too many red flags

I showed proof to @ChoatieMom, but I am very reluctant to share it in public. Again, sorry if I provided any false hope, I should have remained silent until the A10 deadline passed.

There’s nothing to apologize for if you are telling the truth.

No problem! I understand if you do not feel comfortable sharing in public. Have a great time at Exeter!!

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Has anyone heard anything from Hotchkiss or Deerfield?

not hotchkiss

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On decision day Hotchkiss said it would be May before they would alert regarding the waitlist.

yea i forgot about that

where did it say that?

In the portal, in the decision statement.

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Every waitlist closed for me so far; the only schools I have not heard are Middlesex and Milton. But I am sure they closed too.

My boarding journey ends here. I don’t think my parents will let me apply next year because I admit, like many of you, it took quite a toll on me just preparing the applications, even though I had finished taking my tests as early as July (ISEE) and September (SSAT). Preparing videos was most time-consuming: I spent a month editing my basketball video from hundreds of match footages for the recent 4 years and 3 months practicing my Sarasate to get it ready for recording, during which period I slept like 4 hours everyday, doing them on top of my school work. I also spent almost every weekend last fall playing in the national basketball tournaments, where I had broken my collarbone a year before. I also took the SAT to apply for a few summer programs that required it. I had to do everything I possibly could, lest regret later that I gave less than 100% for my dream. “Pray to God but keep your powder dry.” - I acted faithful to my motto throughout. Although I still ended up short, I can now rest in comfort that it was plainly beyond my control. I thank the 7 schools that saw some good in me.

I am saying this because I am sure mine is the story of everyone here. Sometimes the best we had to give is simply not enough for something; nevertheless, it becomes part of us and we are that much stronger by it. If chess and basketball taught me one thing, it is that every victory is but a moment’s illusion. So must be the corollary - every defeat. What we are carrying for the rest of our lives is not our result but ourselves. We have improved ourselves, bewitched by our dream. Let’s cry our heart out (I already did in my school bathroom), but let’s not feel too sad. We all should be proud of ourselves. And big congrats to everyone who made it - you truly earned it, no doubt in the most competitive year in history.


Yeah, with Exeter’s waitlist closing my road ends here too sadly. Even though I didn’t get accepted, I learned a lot in the experience. For all those who got in, you deserve it! Have fun at your high schools and thank you for your help!


You’re going places, Dreamer2007 and I look forward to reading about your successes. As a mom with a son who was WL everywhere, my heart hurts for both of you but in the end I know you’ll thrive. Take some time just to “be” and soon you’ll regroup and figure out what’s next.


I was taken off as an applicant for 10th grade.


I really admire your hard work and dedication toward applying to boarding schools. You’re still in play and you could consider applying to schools with rolling admissions. If you don’t go to boarding school this year, it’s more the schools’ loss than your own.

You will be just fine wherever you end up and you have a very bright future ahead of you. This is just a blip that will make you stronger. Keep working hard and the results will eventually come Good luck, Dreamer2007.


There is, as it is so unconventional for BS to admit off of the waitlist before A10. I didn’t know at the time so it probably wasn’t fair of me to distribute that info as early as A7/8

I admire you, your work ethic is inspiring, and so is your resilience. I am not a clairvoyant, but I am certain that your future is promising. I endured many of the struggles you have mentioned in your post, and anyone that suffered through that process has earned my respect. Waitlists are mostly duplicitous emails and empty promises, but stay strong. I would suggest applying next year, as all of the effort and hardship has taught you many things. Try to motivate your parents, show them that it means to you what it obviously does. I wish you the best, and I hope to hear from you in the future. Your journey only ends when you wish it to end. Even if you feel ambivalent towards the admissions process come this fall, go for it, and reap the rewards.


Go with your heart when the time comes to reapply. If you wish to do it, then I would. Until then, it has been enjoyable talking with you and I wish you the best!

Thank you, if you want I’ll PM you the letter, just not exposed to the entire thread.