The Wait List

Milton and Middlesex. No official email yet.

Some applicants (or their parents) think it’s uncool for schools to waitlist 300 and reject 300, knowing they would most likely end up meaning the same result. I for one still wish schools would maintain big waitlists though. Not only because I want to keep hope (although that too) but because I somehow feel more vindicated that way. Outright rejection hurt me much more.


it should be public now, sorry!

It’s cruel either way… being strung along with little crumbs of hope here and there is not at all enjoyable. We are in purgatory here!

You are so articulate and self aware. I hope that if you decide to reapply, you can come here and have the seasoned parents and students help you craft your list of schools as well as offer some ideas on interview prep and essay topics. You belong at an elite institution… it’s quite obvious and I don’t even know you.


I feel as if getting an outright rejection would’ve been better for me. That way I wouldn’t have to constantly worry about this or that of the waitlist status. Would’ve given me closure. Though it is nice knowing that waitlist means they liked you.


i agree

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There are definitely kids not from junior boarding schools getting into 10th grade; and there are definitely kids who did not get in first time round in 9th grade that get accepted in 10th. (My son!)

Factually this does not mean that 10th grade is easier or harder or equally difficult; though psychologically I definitely feel 10th grade may be easier. Regardless, if a student truly loves and wants the boarding school experience, and don’t get a spot in 9th grade; the only choice is to reapply again in 10th, no matter it is easier or harder.


i come from an 8-12 public and was accepted for 10th grade.


St Mark’s emailed last night that they are fully enrolled - looked like form email, but may have been specific to my son/9th boarder FA.


Even 11th is not too late to apply, if you really want it.

Oh, good to know, thank you!

We still haven’t heard anything or anything conclusive about WL from 7 schools. Any one of those schools would be amazing for different reasons (only apply to schools you love) so we are still a tiny bit hopeful, like when you play the lottery - you know you won’t win but maybe… Govs might have had a spot but no FA left and Cushing offered son a spot post M10 but also had no FA left - both wonderful schools, I am happy my son knows for sure if we didn’t need FA he would be in. I wonder if some of the schools who have not replied have made offers from the waitlist and are waiting to see if those people accept. They can’t comment on need because they aren’t sure. Good luck all, feel good about yourselves for being amazing (WL means they thought you were great candidate!) and just do it again in the fall - you are more experienced now so you have an edge over the other candidates.

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We had an open discussion with our son about FA and how much we are willing to pay. My son totally got it and understood. There are great schools without digging yourself a financial grave.

Hi there. Applying for 10th grade isn’t the only choice for ninth graders. Some applicants reapply for the same grade; e.g., a ninth grader at public or private day school can apply for ninth grade the next school year at boarding school.


Right, but remember if you are an athlete this could be a slippery slope eligibility wise. I had a teammate who had to redshirt for his sophomore year due to some regulation that he broke when repeating a year. Make sure you talk to coaches as well as teachers to make sure they can facilitate your academic needs. For you will be ahead of your classmates.

Middlesex official waitlist notice came through.

Seems to me these schools are behind a bit given the unprecedented level of applicants. Notice the email references April 10:

Thank you for your patience as we waited for the information necessary to determine next year’s enrollment and assess any waiting list possibilities. Unfortunately, we now know that we will not be accepting any additional students from the waiting list before April 10. I am sorry that we are unable to consider you for a place at Middlesex and thank you for your time and effort.

Indeed, this reads like a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. (1) Hasn’t it been the common understanding that few, if any, would be lifted off before April 10 anyway? So they are saying the obvious. (2) Why would (1) lead to the conclusion of the next sentence? Perhaps I am missing something.


Our MX reply was a little different…

We do regret that we were unable to offer you a place at Middlesex before April 10th. I write today to give you a sense of what to expect in the coming months.

While we are currently a full school, there is the possibility that our enrollment could change between now and the opening of school in September. If that were to happen, and a space in your applicant pool became available, we would consider your application at that time. In recent years, we have added a few students in the late spring or early summer.

If, by chance, you have made other plans for the fall, and are no longer considering Middlesex, would you mind contacting us so that we will not bother you with continued communication? You may simply respond to this email or send another to

We are aware of the uncertainty and anxiety that a waiting list position brings, and we thank you for your patience. We would not have offered you a position on our waiting list if we had not found your candidacy appealing. We hope you have a great spring and will be in touch when we have additional news.

LOL ok. Maybe they know they don’t want to take our DD off the waiting list even in summer. Bizarre.

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Crazy, right?! We have a 9th grade girl boarder that needs FA

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Good luck! Great school. I went to a rival ISL school but fell in love with Middlesex in the process.

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