The Wait List

Thanks but we are NOT counting on anything; we’ve had a rough go about it across the board. We were told no go for WL after April 10 to both Saint George’s and Brooks. It’s a very different world than when I went to BS :disappointed:

Um, I emailed the department last Friday and cc my interviewer. Department said was not expecting openings, but interviewer replied just now saying they’ll keep me updated? She also said everything was still being processed and not done yet, but the official email already came? So confused. I didn’t even put myself on the summer waitlist.

how many people usually stay on the summer waitlist? or how many people reject?

Yes I would love to know the amount of people they keep on these lists. If it’s 800 or 80 or 8 would be really helpful knowledge.

I didn’t get an mx email that’s kind of odd

I’m not saying that it’s impossible, just saying that you’ll be placed in a separate pool as those jr boarding school applicants.

And yes, I agree that if you truly want to goto boarding school, it’s never too late to apply!

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I thought I read a stat that said 70-80% drop off on decision day.

There’s also been discussion of having a full class backup per grade.

So if there were a class of 80 boarders and 20 day, they would have the same on the waiting list, broken out by boarder/day and gender.

I believe it’s not just junior boarding schools that they hold 10th grade spots for, but also the several strong K-9 schools out there (the ones That come to mind are all BS feeders: one in FL, one in CT, and two in MA).


I haven’t heard from MX either.

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For some reason I got two emails from MX… both the same thing

We also got two from MX

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It costs nothing to stay on.

do you by chance have a legacy ?

Yes - you too?

yes I am ,guessing they didn’t send it out to this group yet

There are always some kids that fall back to a public option. For those there is no cost to staying on. They might as well keep their fingers crossed.

Really? Nothing at all???


nope nothing from mx

Did anyone get anything from Concord Academy or Milton?