The Wait List

We did the same thing and it made it very clear on M10 that she has one real choice, one maybe choice and one for sure no choice. Revisiting the schools helped her realize the school that loved her the most was the one she ended up loving the most, so it worked out in the end.


This was the email my daughter got. She was a 9th grade FA boarding applicant.

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Me too - and I got the same letter as you for a 9th grade, girl boarder who needs FA.

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I too went to a rival ISL school. We had fun joking if my daughter went to a different ISL school, and if I attended that game, whose t-shirt would I wear - my alma mater or her school?

I got two as well, and so did my daughter in her email account.

What school did you finally pick? Govs or SG?

She is going to Govs.

She went into our Revisit Trip thinking she wanted SG, and we did the tour (which included seeing the freshman dorm - and my actual dorm room from my senior year was the room they were showing - it was so funny). But SG only had tours.

Then we went to Govs and they had a more “true” revisit day - kids on campus, she went to a class, had a junior girl paired with her all morning taking her around, etc
 and she loved the vibe of the campus and everything about it. She got into the car and said - mom, sorry, I liked Govs better. (But mom wasn’t sad because Govs met my aid requirements and SG in the end did not, so all of our stars aligned. Of course I’m bummed she wouldn’t go to SG and be a 3rd generation, but I don’t know how we would have made that work financially).


I was very bummed my son didn’t choose Govs. The people there are amazing and the AO was the best out of the 10 we met with.


Great! We should’ve applied to Govs in retrospect too.

What school did you decide on?

What school did you pick in the end?

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He chose Blair. He’s still holding out minimal hope on the waitlist on his first choice, Hotchkiss.


Blair is a great school. I too was waitlisted by Hotchkiss(also my first choice). But now, I most likely wouldn’t accept if I got off the WL


My daughter was WL at Blair. A NJ school would have been nice for my DD as my mother lives in NJ (we live in California). But alas, my DD will learn to love the snow and MA winters. :slight_smile:

Say, have you heard anything from Blair? My son was waitlisted there and he really wants to go. We haven’t reached out since March 10 and I’m wondering if we should contact them 
 or whether that will come across as too aggressive.

Congrats. Blair is a great school.

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Haha i think that was meant for @DaddyHoosier. I’m going to The Hill School. But my neighbor went to Blair.

Congrats. Blair is a great school.

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Has anyone else not heard any WL info from Groton, MX, LA, Brooks, Deerfield, Tabor, etc
? Don’t know if son was just overlooked or if they are still figuring out if there might be spot? Legacy at 3 of those so maybe that’s why?