The Wait List

thank you, just filled it out

Where do I find this form?

deerfield portal

Is anyone able to get into the Hotchkiss portal? I can’t seem to get in and it won’t even let me reset my password.

i haven’t tried

it let me in

i just tried. it let me in.

Ugh. Thank you.

Question: Should I update Exeter on new accomplishments? Results just came out for the National Junior Classical League exams today and I’m wondering if I should update them with my results

Thank you so much for posting this. My son filled his out this evening.

You could, but it doesn’t really do much at this point. They’ve already gone to the point of less than 1% chance off the waitlist during the summer. Honestly it wouldn’t really matter what merits you gain now. Your previous merits already proved you were a great candidate. Otherwise they would not have waitlisted you. You have proven to be able to succeed there. Now it’s a matter of good fit and space. Having an extra award may help IF they go to the waitlist and want to pull someone with your interests.

Nothing from Milton (day)


I know this is not the general advice, and I agree both that the chances are slim to none and that a new achievement will not tip the scale. However, sending it will demonstrate continued interest and an opportunity to engage briefly with the AO. Don’t brag, show interest, make it short and sweet.


Hi, my daughter was waitlisted at Milton last year (boarding). I checked old emails - Milton sent out their “class is all set, not going to WL” email on April 25 2020 . Perhaps an indication of the sort of timeline to expect this year? Or you can send an email to your AO to ask about status. Good luck!


Actually that’ll be an interesting year over year comp. Given the much higher application numbers and questions surrounding yield, it wouldn’t surprise me if the date were quite different - in either direction - this year.

Pomfret’s waitlist is closed.

Is there a difference between a closed waitlist and a summer waitlist. Does closed mean there is no longer a WL?

I think they might be the same thing? I think closed waitlist means their class is currently full, and won’t be going to the waitlist at the moment. That or that they will never be going to the waitlist. Though miracles do happen, and spots may open up after the enrollment deadline on A10, In which case they use the summer waitlist, which is for students who still would like to be considered for admission over the summer. I think that’s the case because some students choose to just take themselves off summer waitlists through the schools’ form.

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Just a note from another thread - there is a new boarding/day school opening in Marlborough MA, the New England Innovative Academy. If you have been WLed and are still looking for a good option for the fall they are rolling admissions and still offer FA.


Regarding Pomfret - I don’t know if they will maintain a summer waitlist or not. We were not invited to join it, if it exists. I do know that like everyone else, their yield was higher than normal. My son is so bummed, but he has two local options and will either make one of those work or he will reapply to his WL schools this fall.