The Wait List

I should also add that we were on a FA WL at several schools. Some offered a spot at FP but we are not able to FP, unfortunately.

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so sorry to hear that. can DS apply to some rolling schools? some schools are still taking applications and might offer FA

This happened to us too. We had 2 options for FP and on a FA waitlist at one, but it didn’t come thru.

Luckily she got accepted at a school with an aid package that made it possible. It was so hard to know that you got in but can’t attend. I feel like it was almost WORSE than not getting in at all. Originally one of the FA Waitlist schools was her first choice, but when we went to visit the schools at the end of March/early April, it turns out the school that was the most affordable ended up being her favorite!!


Mercersburg closed their waitlist.


As noted many items
we were completely rookies doing this.

Only applied to handful of schools. Discovered some with rolling admissions (and good schools too).

So as part of the regular deadline process my son was waitlisted. But, now with rolling admissions
apparently you are applying to be placed on waitlist
which is different that the "deadline’ WL. My understanding, it that for rolling a WL means an acceptance subject to space. Whereas in the other case, you are not accepted.

We’ve looked at schools with rolling since M10 and it is a much more relaxed process because people actually have time to talk and have a better handle on their numbers. so if someone still does not have a spot
please consider schools with rolling. You never know unless you try.


Mine was also WLed on M10 so he applied to a couple of rolling admissions BSs that we didn’t know anything about prior to M10 but really liked once we looked into them. He got into Cushing after M10 but no FA , and he got into NEIA with significant FA. Definitely look at rolling admissions schools if you are still interested in boarding in the fall, there are some great options and the admissions process was very personal, warm and fast. Good luck to other amazing kids who didn’t get the results they hoped for on M10!


will your kid be attending NEIA? It looks like a very promising school.

I am pretty sure yes, it does seem really cool. Have you looked into it? My son seems really excited about it, he likes the idea of project based learning and being a founder and having some control over his education/environment. The campus is still under construction but it will be usable in the fall and will continue to grow around him, it will be amazing when construction is complete. I am not sure the design will ever be complete because it has all been designed to easily change and evolve around the community needs (removable walls, lots of open space and furniture that can be easily moved/changed out). The google mapping does not do the area justice, it is a pretty wooded spot with a pond right next to campus for field science.

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No, I actually got into one of my first choices on M10! But I would’ve looked into it had I not been accepted.

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Sorry you won’t be going to school with my son, I love all your supportive positive posts - congratulations!

Thank you so much! I will definitely continue to be an active poster- I’m glad your son will end up somewhere that works for him!

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For anyone with boys still looking for a boarding school this fall, I would suggest taking a look at the Blue Ridge School near Charlottesville, Va. It’s all boys, all boarding with a beautiful campus, strong academics, academic support and they are accepting applications.


I have a few friends with boys at Blue Ridge and they all seem to love it! I also know a few kids at Woodbury Forest who love it there, too.

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Note from Lawrenceville today

Now that the April 10 decision deadline has passed, I am writing with an update on the Lawrenceville Wait List. Currently, we are fully enrolled for next fall, and so do not have any places for which you could be considered.

Occasionally, openings become available throughout the spring and early summer; if you would like to remain under consideration for a possible spot, please let us know. If an opening does develop, we will be in contact with you.

We are truly sorry we were unable to offer you a place off of our Wait List; please know that by virtue of being on that list, we felt you had the academic and personal qualities to succeed at Lawrenceville. We wish you the very best in your educational endeavors in the meantime.


i took myself off lville wl

Message from Concord Academy

I am writing to share an update on Concord Academy’s wait pool. We are currently fully enrolled; that said, should plans change for some of our currently enrolled families, we may utilize the wait pool over the summer. If you were an applicant for financial aid, we regret to share that we do not anticipate having financial aid funds available for students admitted from the wait pool.

If you wish to remain in our wait pool as we head into the spring and summer, please email us at [ this message will ensure that, should we be able to offer additional acceptances, we will consider your candidacy. If we are able to offer you a place at Concord Academy, we will contact you immediately.

I want to thank you again for submitting an application to Concord Academy and for your continued interest in the school. The Admissions team wishes you health and safety as you finish this academic year. Please contact us if we may be of assistance.

I took myself off Hotchkiss waitlist, but I’m curious why they wait until May (as stated in this thread) to contact students about waitlist.

i have no update on hotchkiss either

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hotchkiss just said they are fully enrolled. took myself off all waitlists!!!


Has any school not been fully enrolled? Or is it just the more high profile ones?