The Wait List

Unsure. Most of the updates here for closed waitlists have been high profile ones though.

Same! Getting fully committed to the school that loves me. It feels great not worrying about waitlists haha


Blair said they are fully enrolled.

It is not unusual for a school to have a specific opening (say boys 11th boarder), specially if you move beyond the “Top 10” - excellent schools out there. Have you looked at Canterbury? In my time their hockey program was excellent.

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Trinity Pawling was one (my son is in an all boys Catholic now…so fit is good). Kent,actually was another. Canterbury had a full roster.

Millbrook has a strong hockey team, and I thought was on the list of schools with openings. Salisbury School has a very strong hockey team as well. Don’t know if they have openings.

Millbrook does have openings. I didn’t see Salisbury on the list though


I just found out an all boys school in my area, namely Avon Old Farms , has openings and is a school with rolling admissions for boys still applying


Trinity Pawling has a great hockey team. My son almost went there, but he’s a swimmer and they have no pool. That said, we absolutely loved the school. Another option, if they have openings, is the South Kent School. I hear that they have a good hockey program, too. I’m sorry to hear Canterbury has a full roster - another great school with a good hockey program.

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Thanks everyone! We were pleasantly surprised to learn of some openings. Very tough year for all kids and unpredictable. Lots of good programs. In Canada, there is a limited number of school programs despite the number of hockey players. THe better programs now recruit from Europe and as far as Japan.


omg omg yay yay I just got into Brentwood College School on Vancouver Island!!! I am thrilled beyond flabbergasted!!! I do not know how to thank @UltimaCroix for suggesting me to look into superb rolling-admission schools in BC such as Brentwood! Thank you!!! And thanks everyone who has poured me with kindness and encouragements!!! I will never forget you!!!

Those who still do not have a place at a boarding for the fall yet, keep applying! Apply to Canada!!! I am so glad I did!


Wonderful news. I hope you have a great time.

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Congratulations! I hope you have a great time.


I’m SO HAPPY FOR YOU! That’s awesome that you found a place to go, and a great one! I’m thrilled that you had the courage to get back up and try again, and for this year!

This is such great news! Everyone’s getting in places. It makes me very happy :blush:


AOF was traditionally a hockey powerhouse!

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Yay congrats!!!

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So happy to see folks finding homes they didn’t know existed in round 1. I hope you’ll all stick around and let folks hear all about how it’s going. Really hoping you’ll be telling everyone next year how things work out for the best…


I’ll bet applicants applying next year will take a look at these threads and think a nuclear disaster happened on admissions due to how it started going downhill from covid😂 I’m glad it’s starting to look up however. Makes me feel very happy. I assure any readers next year it will NOT be as hectic or painstaking as this year!


Thank you so much! I will! I feel like that was my hail-mary, buzzer-beater, in the nick of time, cuz my parents meant it when they said now-or-never. They would not see a boarding nomad in the family.

I am amazed how simple, painless and quick the whole process of applying to a new school has been. Everything had already been prepared; I had some 40 essays(ouch) from which to cut and paste into my new application essays! (Call this my essay depot - enough supply to last a couple of lifetimes indeed:) For my interview, I knew who I was, what I wanted, ad nauseam! My teachers all knew what happened to me on M10 so perhaps they were understanding and supportive with my new recomm requests. The rolling school itself was not so swamped with applications like M10 schools. The admissions dean himself cared to interview me at an hour most convenient for me! It went very natural (we both understood why I was applying in April) and the letter reflected it: “The honesty of interview responses was appreciated.” :):):slight_smile:

Everything was so smooth, so considerate, so stress-free! And so speedy! The acceptance letter came half an hour after my teacher told me his recommendation was done and sent!

I am telling you this so that some of you do not give up thinking the whole task of applying at this stage too daunting. You already have nearly everything, and so do your teachers on you! You just present them to a new school.

I wrote on the essay a sentence I had not included in any previous applications: “Life is a journey, and we never know what happiness awaits us around the corner.” It is a cliche, but sometimes nothing expresses spot-on like a cliche. That was how I wished a week ago; now I find its wisdom.


@Yuhh222 , covid complicated things but every year, yes EVERY year, there are a number of applicants holding no acceptances on M10. I hope folks will look at this thread first when they are compiling their lists and then again if they are despairing on M10. There are so many good BS out there, and the best known ones may not be the best ones for many students considering BS.