The Wait List

That’s absolutely right! Prestige isn’t everything out there, and you probably will prosper better in a school that also really likes you. Win win. It’s an awful thing to have no acceptances, so compiling your list is very important. I thought Exeter was the best fit for me and was my dream school for the longest time. But I’ve come to realize now that the school I’m going to has the best arts program that suits me most. Best of luck to those still looking!


:100: :100: Happy for you, Dreamer! Thank you for supporting so many here on CC, and your eternal optimism, wisdom, and good cheer!



That area is one of the most beautiful areas in all of Canada. You are fairly close to Whistler which is an amazing place, especially in the Winter time.


Congrats @Dreamer2007 !! SUPER happy for you!!


Has anyone gotten any information about the Deerfield waitlist?

I think it was mentioned that @usernameuser98 was pulled off Deerfield waitlist.

By pulled off do you mean that he was accepted off the waitlist or he was removed?

accepted off it.


That’s amazing!!

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yes. lucky them! kinda happy i didn’t get off any tho…super psyched about going to Hill!



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yeah i get you. i think i’ll take myself off the deerfield waitlist. btw congrats on hill!! I was going to apply but I applied to 9 schools already and the application process was overwhelming enough.

Did deerfield say they are fully enrolled for this fall?

lol. thx! where are you going this fall?

i’m going to loomis

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no, at least not that I know of. I just know they put up a new form for people who want to remain on the waitlist

nice! i was waitlisted at loomis for 10th grade haha.

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ahh. it would’ve been nice to find another rising 10th grader going to loomis haha

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lol yea. i really like loomis, but i’m not sure it was the best fit. i would’ve fit in well, but probably not as much as i will at hill. if i have kids that want to go to BS, i’m hoping they’ll want to apply to loomis!


so true! i know you’ll have a great time at hill as i will at loomis haha.

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