The Wait List


They don’t “replace a student”. They’ve already factored in that student into the “will chose another school” pool if they are doing their jobs properly for the school.

Actually, when they pull from the WL at this point in the year, it is often because a student who committed has now made other plans. So they are in fact “replacing”. All those yield calculations took place earlier.


Which school?? Congratulations!

@idk_nan_molla which school was it? Also have you made the decision?

My son was recently offered a spot from a GLADCHEMS school and it was for this very reason… a 9th grade boarding student pulled out at the last minute.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for u!

He’s not taking it… he’s going to Mercersburg and it’s the right choice for him. But, in very limited cases, it can happen under the right circumstances.


It’s awesome though that he found the right fit! Mercersburg is a great school and I almost picked it myself! :partying_face:

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Thank you! After a very long road it’s incredibly satisfying to have such an outcome!

I don’t want to give false hope to anyone waiting on a WL. DS was coming from a private k-8 with solid connections to HADES and they were advocating for him from the start. Stellar grades, test scores and recommendations. Full pay. He’s a kid who should have been accepted at the first round but was overlooked for one reason or another. Regardless, when a spot became available he was an easy choice for the AD.

All of this said, when we told him about the acceptance he laughed and said thanks but no thanks. The process has a way of putting what really matters in perspective.


Congrats!! While he is not attending, it must be an exciting thing! I hope he has a great time at mercersburg


Thank you all!!! Wishing you all the best!

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Andover’s waitlist is officially closed( no surprise there ). I got the message as Andover had not given a summer form. I forgot about it and wasn’t expecting it but I thought I’d share this with you all.

This was almost a month ago, annnd I just saw it. Sorry!

It was a HADES school, and I did decide to accept the offer.


Not only will they replace a specific type of spot they will accept new applications over waitlist kids in order to get exactly what they want in a candidate. I know that will rankle but it is true. Boys soccer player declines a spot late in the game and there’s no great player on the waitlist? They will call club coaches to find a replacement instead of going to the waitlist. Schools are looking for kids who can do something for them.


My daughter got off the waitlist in August for a top 20 school. She submitted the application late in May. So I agree, they will pull the best applicant possible as opposed to those who were on the waitlist first.


Mine was fine! Similar to other interviews. Maybe it’s just your interviewer that was awkward?

My son was waitlisted at Deerfield for 9th.
Stats: age 14 current 9th grader, 4.2 GPA taking all offered honors including Advanced Chem and Bio, Advanced Algebra 2. 1 sport (not one of the more common ones), plays a wind instrument. Not super heavy on extra curriculars. Jazz band, chess club, sport, 2 years of robotics with a mentoring position (no longer doing it). 96th percentile PSAT in 8th grade. Won a scholarship in an essay competition for the Mayflower Society of SC. Has a part-time job. Attended highly selective national stem camp last summer.
Has a sibling currently attending. Only applied to one school. Needs significant FA.

That is crazy, I am most impressed he has a job! With his sibling there, hopefully he will be a priority from the WL. Good luck to him!