The Wait List

Hi everyone, may I ask for the statistics of waitlist applicant in Milton and Groton, I got waitlisted from the two school as an international student and really would want to know my realistic chance of getting in to these school. Please give some recommendations and tips. Congrats and hope everyone get great luck with the results.

Tenth grade. Waitlist Choate. Waitlist Phillips Andover. Not feeling great about this. Oh, well. You never know! Day student application.

Well, me 5 waitlist so far
Choate, Exeter, Milton, Groton, Berkshire / Boarding and internationa;. Very much sad and depressed right now.

I got waitlisted at Choate, Exeter, and Hotchkiss

Waitlisted: Deerfield, Lawrenceville, Exeter, Choate, Loomis Chaffee, Milton, and Concord

Everyone: Start here. This response pretty much covers it.


when did you get decision for Milton? my portal still states ā€œyour application still under considerationā€

WLā€™d for exeter, andover, middlesex, milton

Thatā€™s all my schools :((

Impressive! Just shows how competitive this yearā€™s applicant pool was.
Iā€™m sure he would have been admitted if he was full pay.
Hope he gets in eventually. Good luck!

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Did you refresh the page? Log out and try logging in again.
I checked my sonā€™s Milton status almost an our ago.

I just checked and it still said the same. Maybe they release decision for middle school later. :pray::pray::pray:

Maybe the middle school division could be running on a different timeline! Good Luck!


Thank you.

7 am this morning. Had to refresh multiple times because it seems everyone logged onto the portal at once.

I feel your pain. My younger son got wait listed at the school he has sibling legacy where we get significant financial aid. Luckily we applied to a few other schools as well and was accepted. But surprising my younger son was accepted to Andover and Exeter but not where he has legacy.


Wow! My son only wanted to go where his sister is, I am sure he would have gotten in somewhere. Maybe heā€™ll try again next year but sister will be gone so he will probably stick with the local public.

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I got waitlisted at Exeter, and rejected from Andover.
I intend to stay on the waitlist, anyone here knows of thereā€™s a chance of getting in, or if someone has gotten in from the waitlist before!

i was waitlisted at 7/8 of my schools, rejected by one. anyone have any advice for what to do from here on out?

As @ChoatieMom said earlier, this is the definitive post on BS wait lists:

Everyone: Start here. This response pretty much covers it.

ETA: These are actually two posts, this one, and one a few posts down from the same poster.

Best of luck.


Does unranked waitlist mean luck-based?