The Wait List

At this point, you should just follow their instructions. Precisely!

As you may have noted from the threads here, there are a lots of people who got WL at schools they know they will not attend. You want to be sure you are added to the Active WL.

If there are any schools you would say yes to immediately if they offered you a spot, you can write a brief note to that effect. But it must be true!

If you have no acceptances, you can tell all of them that you were WL everywhere and are determined to attend BS and if offered a spot, you will accept immediately and remove yourself from all other WL. But again, it must be true. If you are reading this post and cringing at the thought of doing that, you should only say that where you can follow through.


okay, thank you so much for the info! i will email exeter with that (first) additional note because it’s my top choice. thank you again.

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the NMH WL said - your chances of getting off the list are 2% - once you see that number you immediately put your hopes to bed and move on


did it really say 2% chance?

That seems clearly to be the case.

yes the email said that - maybe just to ensure not everyone on that long list clicks “keep me on the WL” - or to stop floods of incoming calls and emails.

It’s tough though. Someone will be that 2%.
The schools are trying to be honest and upfront. They don’t want anyone making plans around this slim possibility. But they also need folks to be standing in the wings.

This will happen again in college admissions.

If this is your first encounter with this, it’s easy to feel outraged and used. If you understand what’s actually going on, it’s much easier to realize it’s just part of the process. Which of course is easier to swallow.


Also have a kid who was WL at NMH- he was so disappointed and read the 2% and immediately said, that’s even smaller than my chance of getting in before WL
 huge reality check!


Hi! Yesterday Groton decisions came out and we were waitlisted for second form (8th grade). Is it likely that people get off the second form waitlist? Do you know of anyone who has gotten off? And are you experiencing the same thing? Thank you.

Waitlist movement is unlikely and random. It’s exceedingly hard to chance. The Groton 8th grade is heavy with siblings so my guess, and it is just a guess, is that the waitlist for 8th grade is even less dynamic than most.

I’m sorry you are waitlisted, hopefully you have other options you’re happy with.


Agree with @one1ofeach . Plus there are fewer other options for 8th, so it’s less likely a kid is sitting on several acceptances and deciding where to go.


Best of luck to you! :raised_hands: I’d like to offer some words of encouragement to anyone waitlisted to a school they want to attend.

I was waitlisted to Exeter, my top choice, when I first applied, and that was a hard time for me. I hoped that I would be taken off the waitlist, but the reality is that there is little to no chance for that to happen. I stayed at my local day school and decided to reapply the next year, showing much greater focus and effort in all parts of the application, and I was accepted! Looking back, I couldn’t be happier that I made the decision to try again.

To all students: whether you stay at your local school or decide to enroll at one of your acceptances, know that there is always the option to reach for something you didn’t get the first time. There is also the other scenario where you find yourself happy and satisfied at another school - things change sometimes!

Hope this provides some comfort and encouragement to those who need it.


keep your chin up! i was in this same position last year, and now i am at a school I really love!


Are you there because you were
Selected from a waitlist or because you selected a different school?


The Hotchkiss WL email referenced accepting fewer students due to a renovation of dorms. Does anyone know how much this impacted their acceptance rate?


What are the chances of getting accepted from the waitlist among schools ranked (30~40)?


I was starting to wonder if prep schools too, like colleges have started to put students on waistlists so as to lower their acceptance rates and increase their overall yield rates, along with ofcourse selecting the best fit applicants?

How does putting them on waitlists lower acceptance? It’s pretty much just a nicer rejection anyway.

BS applicants, like college applicants, apply to a number of schools precisely because it’s hard to know where anyone will be accepted. As a result, most applicants will have options on M10. For the schools and colleges, it’s really impossible to predict accurately who on the final decision date will say yes to them. In order to create the class they need/want, they need a long WL.

There is a thread going now that shows one college offered more than 1000 students WL positions last year. Only 300 accepted a place on the WL, meaning that the others had someplace else to go that they preferred. Of those 300, 100 were actually enrolled in Sept. You can see how that college really didn’t have a huge pool in the end as we know nothing about the distribution in terms of gender, FA need, intended major, etc.

The schools don’t care about acceptance rates and yield as much as applicants on these boards think they do. What they care about is getting the applicants they need to enroll the class they want.


Makes sense thanks!


I’m really sorry about that :frowning: I understand your position and it’s really tough, especially when you know you’re qualified but they don’t want you as much as other people. I think that writing a LOCI(letter of continued interest) helps. Talk about how the school would benefit you and what you will give to the school and what you’ve been doing to be a better applicant and student(or person overall). I got waitlisted at Loomis and Suffield and I have no other options because all the other schools were not the ones I was interested in(sophomore applicant). It’s extremely upsetting but I’m trying my best to do better and be hopeful. I also wrote a LOCI and I can absolutely help you with writing one! Let me know how it goes, I’m rooting for you!