The Wait List

i thought so but the language about # of days to clear online payments confused me if they wanted the proof of payment by A10 or funds cleared into acct by A10
i suppose if you handed them a check on A10 - thats sufficient enough thus so proof of online transfer must be as well


Other people’s experience with WLs is not relevant to anyone else. Your specific questions about how likely Culver is to go to their WL this year and whether or not any FA would be available if they do is something only that school can answer.

In general (for any school), FA for a WL’d student is possible but only if sufficient FA has been released back into the pool by FA admits who chose to matriculate elsewhere. So, not only would a WL’d student have to match a missing profile (day/board, M/F, foreign/domestic, etc.), but also enough funds would have to be available to complete that match. Unfortunately, that’s a very tough combo which is why a call to the school is the best way to understand the odds in your particular situation.


Your answer is very helpful. One thing we have been wondering is whether we will even get any answer if we call the school and ask why the applicant is on the WL?
My understanding is that, once the applicant is put on the WL, it is not about the applicant is “good” or “perfect”, it is more about a “business” decision by the school, even the applicant is “perfect” for any other equally good/top school, the applicant is just not the “first” choice of the school for the very first place even the reason is that “there are too many applicants this year”, bla bla 

There is only one answer to this question: The applicant is admissible but there aren’t enough slots for everyone (and the school needs sufficient perfectly acceptable students in waiting in case they need to fill some holes).

That’s it.


You will not, most likely. Any response will likely be boilerplate. “So many qualified applicants for so few spots.”


Jinx, ski!

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My son was offered a spot today from a waitlist
had to decide by this afternoon and is grabbing it. So there is movement. Good luck everyone.


Congratulations, that is awesome !

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Congratulations! Which school is lucky enough to have him?


My daughter is on wl at Choate (PG) and received communciation today that they anticipate making some offers in the next few days. If we don’t hear by 4/10 NOT to turn down other opportunities and that they will continue with updates in the coming weeks.


what school did he get the offer from?


My son got thrown into looking for a grade 12 option (his current school announced in March! they were shutting down his sport (another thread).

My point is that he has reached out to schools with M10 deadlines and rolling admissions and is finding openings and possible openings (again this is a specific sport need thing). His biggest issue is the need for FA late in the games.

A few schools have told him they may have openings once A10 hits.

The truth is that if schools have a need, they will look beyond a WL. I know that doesn’t sound fair, but, it happens.


The WL is for the admission safety of school, it is brutal though


Yes. Which is why kids who may be on some WL, can certainly probe schools after M10.

Not likely as usually WL offers have a very short timeframe attached to them e.g. 24 hours or the like. If they convey via phone that there’s a realistic chance it may make sense to preemptively visit, though I understand that if he then does not make it off the WL that may prove to have been a painful exercise. It may make sense to mentally prepare to accept without visiting.

ETA: the issue of course is that if you turn them down they need to move onto the next person ASAP


My child was offered a wait list spot earlier today. As you could probably guess, we do not have much time to think about it. But this community has helped us so much as we navigate this process that I wanted to let people know here that there was further evidence of movement. Best of luck to all of those waiting as we hurtle toward April 10!


can you share which school?


Do most schools offer waitlist spots before A10?

I’d say they offer WL spots as soon as they know they’ll need to. And of course the closer it gets to A10 and more and more kids yield elsewhere, the more sure they’ll be either way.