The Wait List

Be aware, “fully enrolled” may indeed mean “fully enrolled as it pertains to your child.”

We had 2 children waitlisted at one school…they received fully enrolled emails on different days. And both were received days after someone on this board noted that they had received indication that the school was fully enrolled.


Boy v girl, day v boarding, URM v ORM, etc. Whatever they need to mold the class that they desire

did anyone here receive anything from choate, im a freshman applying for sophomore (is)

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We have not heard from any WL school for 9th grade boy (Hotchkiss, Choate, Loomis, or Milton) so we are making the deposit for one of the accepted schools now. Best of luck to everyone.


My daughter applied as day student to Exeter and it said they are full

Has anyone heard anything regarding Hotchkiss or Andover wait lists?

Has anyone gotten in off of the Groton wait list?

or heard anything

A relative of mine applied as a repeat junior to Andover, and asked the coach for his sport what the space situation looked like (he was waitlisted) Full class from what it seems. He sounded pretty bummed out but at least he will have a great two years at Loomis if nothing else changes.

People should assume that most years Andover will take no one off the waitlist. They seem to have no issue with yield.


Folks, you need to wait until YOU get the email. A school that is overenrolled with boys may send something out to all the boys on the WL saying that they should see the process as over. If the FA money is all spoken for, anyone who is not FP may hear that the WL is closed. But a FP girl may still have a chance.

Knowing what others are hearing is informative, but it’s not your truth. You need that directly from the school.


we got an email late last week saying they anticipate going to the waitlist in the next few days. But we applied for class of 2023.

What are the chances of getting on a summer waitlist? I know it’s small, but I’m wondering how many people typically “drop out” from a boarding school seat before school starts.

Just sharing what I’ve heard from him. But you are 100% true, just because there isn’t any room for someone of his profile doesn’t mean that other demographics are precluded from possibly having a spot. Still worth it to point out that Andover seems to be one of the least likely schools to pull from the WL.


Pretty unlikely, it’s more or less a crapshoot. Once a school says they are fully enrolled, it’s time to emotionally move on. These past two years, even in the age of COVID where you’d expect some people to drop out, it doesn’t seem like more than a couple of people were picked off the waitlist after April 10th.

It’s been mentioned here before, but even if a spot opens up, top schools might be more inclined (for whatever reason) to take a late applicant rather than a WL applicant in the summer. Especially if it is for sports.

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I have heard that Hotchkiss is overenrolled.


I heard BUA gave out a WL spot to a student did not apply for at all. That student was rejected by all the school he applied. His current school (a private one) counselor helped work out with BUA and got him accepted.

So he was rejected from BUA to start??

That is unfair to other as qualified WL applicants as this process, but happening everywhere unfortunately.
No transparency

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Seems rejected from other schools(means not that competitive?) but didn’t apply BUA as this person said

Absolutely nobody should be under the illusion that admissions is fair.