The Wait List

Aside from the fact that you’re citing a rumor, it’s also possible that no one on the waitlist met the criteria for that particular spot. Perhaps they didn’t yield the world class tuba player they needed and so went elsewhere to find one.


which school

This. The WL is not the only pool of potential candidates for filling a school’s institutional needs. A school will take the right student from any source.


From Andover today:

Given the current status of our enrollment, we do not anticipate offering spaces to students on our waiting list at this time. As a result, we encourage students on our waiting list to accept places at other schools for fall 2022.


Exactly…our recruited athlete was accepted at several top choice schools and waitlisted at a few others. A few coaches at W/L schools reached out to see his interest in the last few weeks. We felt if we told them our child would attend if accepted they probably would have come off W/L, but that’s a hard answer to give without a revisit so we just said yes, your school still in consideration but if you can’t give an answer before A10 then we will need to move on. Coaches totally understood and also expressed how they unfortunately don’t get even close to the number of the kids they want but that this year was even harder. Side note—if your child is a strong athlete in two or more sports, even better—makes the coach’s case with admissions easier. Assuming this is the case in the arts and other areas as well. Good luck to everyone and to those still on waitlists, hope you hear good news now that A10 has passed!


Things to realize: WL serves the school’s needs and not the child. After M10, there is nothing stopping any school from going off the list ESPECIALLY if there is a niche need.

You will hear lots of rumors and they are all just rumors unless you hear it directly from the school.

I know a lot of the smaller schools have gaps and are trying to fill them.



Yeah WL is for the business of school, not for applicants

Loomis is fully enrolled. Just got an email.


Choate says they are fully enrolled now


We just got the same email from Choate. I have to think that these schools will have an epiphany next year (like MIT did) and reinstate the the standardized testing requirement after a jump in admission failures.


What do you mean by admissions failures?

For the “Elite” schools, you never know their formula on the “standardized” score, as we learned, it was a very small factor for our application, your top performance in ISEE/SSAT with a perfect school report card do not necessarily ensure you a spot though, a WL spot is more like a soft rejection even with a perfect score report.

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ok weird since we didnt receive that email and have 2 kids on the loomis WL (for 9th and 11th) - (the usual prob applies boy/girl day/boarder etc etc)

I don’t understand what reinstating testing has to do with WL issues, but I do agree that schools will soon bring back requiring them for the application. Especially from non-feeder middle schools where they rarely send applications, you need some way to normalize their grades and academic records against those from other schools. Straight A’s from your local public school probably don’t mean the same as straight A’s at Eaglebrook. Not requiring them makes the job even harder for AOs to get an ideal class, and probably has caused some great applicants to fall through the cracks.

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I suspect more colleges will jump off the test optional bandwagon next year as we return to the new normal. I highly doubt that MIT, or any college at a similar tier, experienced a statistically significant “jump in admission failures.” Though @MITChris can correct me if I’m wrong.

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Thacher also sent an email saying they are fully enrolled.

Boston latin school got rid of exam requirements last year. I heard there were many issues for the new students. Granted it is not a private school and issues go beyond exams, but there are similarities to some of the more rigorous programs.

Btw head of school just stepped down.


Check some news about Cal system (college) “admission failure” due to the too large applicants pool by test optional policy, somehow it could significantly relate to WL

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We had sent the school an email, and called as well. They said they were fully enrolled, however, from what it seems, they never sent a pool-wide email saying so like the other schools have been doing. Thoughts?